Journal Entries

the alleged "CLAWsite"

yeah, yeah, yeah, I haven't worked on it for ages, but those who've linked there recently [1] will notice the new frontispiece (or should that be frontisexcuse?)
basically, very soon now, really, it'll be revamped and redone and stored at instead of
the splash page and related extra gizmos, however, will be stored here in ZA, making it faster for those who need it

[1] is it just me or is not working?
if you need to link up, try for the while, and otherwise

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Latest reply: Nov 1, 1999


having said I would needlessly advertise, I did nothing of the sort...

but dragonfire, the CLAWs convention, did happen, and rather well, I thought, all things considered
the website is now hopelessly out-of-date, but you can still see it at

and I'll probably write some more entries now that my first one failed to be rejected and all

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Latest reply: Aug 12, 1999

Why this isn't a journal

I don't do journals. I could never bring myself to call a collection of letters "Kitty".
What I *will* do, however, is blatantly use this space to advertise Things That I Think Need Advertising.
So there

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Latest reply: May 5, 1999

Why this isn't a journal

I don't do journals. I could never bring myself to call a collection of letters "Kitty".
What I *will* do, however, is blatantly use this space to advertise Things That I Think Need Advertising.
So there

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Latest reply: May 5, 1999

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