This is the Message Centre for ianisinfrance

Meeting near Bergerac

Post 1


Hi Pam,

Sounds a great idea to meet up smiley - smiley - perhaps for supper somewhere on Wednesday evening.

Hope you work out how to reply here. If not, my blurb gives a way of contacting me though you have to work out how to substitute and at symbol and a fullstop!!

All the best

Meeting near Bergerac

Post 2


Hi Ian
Sorry about the delay but went out to friends last evening and returned late !!smiley - sadface

Unfortunately Wednesday evening is not convenient. And we are also wondering if this is all a bit short notice to arrange something as we do not really know of any "eateries" in the Bergerac area. We are inclined to eat out nearer our home e.g. St Foy la Grande. Perhaps when you next come this way we would have a bit more time to make arrangements. Could you let me have the website/e. mail address for your B & B and we could communicate by that method in the future for any arrangements. I do not know if I should put our e mail address in this message. I will if it is o.k. to do so.

Regards Pam

Meeting near Bergerac

Post 3


Hi again Pam,

Unfortunately Wednesday evening is not convenient.

Ah.. well we've only making a flying visit and won't be there for another evening. Never mind, there'll be other occasions.

I've eaten out a couple of times in the Ste Foy region, though one meal there was memorable by the worst melon I've ever had served. It was so unripe that it bent the spoon I was trying to use to scoop out a mouthful! I was under impressed by the waitress' response. "Oh yes I know, but they were delivered like that"!

My B&B is called La Souvigne and a Google search will find it - probably in first place. You shouldn't really put a proper email address even here, as the BBC is quite sticky about it.


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