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Posted Dec 8, 1999
well since the entry above the website has moved
alas alak the end of the world is nigh and I beckoned by the bell of work and servitude. when the end comes kill the cooks first....
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Latest reply: Dec 8, 1999
it 5:32 am
Posted Nov 26, 1999
odd it seems everything here occured 20+ weeks ago....not just at my page but many others as well....what is happening to the guide is it millenium phobia....hey that might be a good entry....I don't know though none of mine have ever been accepted and darn it my buttons don't work
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Latest reply: Nov 26, 1999
Posted May 10, 1999
my god I just went snowboarding this weekend for the first time , up in Whistler. I almost killed myself and have a happy bruise for almost every 6 inches of skin. I wish they would of had a bunny hill for novices of the likes of me. I soon as I feel in a masachistic mood I'll have to go again.. thank god for ale to dull the pain.. the Canada entry is in progress
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Latest reply: May 10, 1999
May 4, 5:43am
Posted May 4, 1999
My god I just found out one can add image, bugger if I'm not to tired to bother.
almost too tired too
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Latest reply: May 4, 1999
May 4, 3:41am
Posted May 4, 1999
Well I'm at a loss of words to describe this dull day in my existence except that it seems to be very late at night. The last of the channels I recieve has grown tired of me and beep off in the most rude of manners. Unfortunatly there is not even a infomercial about the latest idiots to be sucked in by the psychic network. All the ale house are closed and there is but one drop of Baileys left. I quick glance in my fridge confirmed my suspiction. My milk expires today. I wonder if that has holistic importance? It apears one barve soul has read my entry and their only reply was ouch it makes my head hurt. I wondering how I should take that. I won't tell Lovejoy about it just yet, he might blow a bulb.
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Latest reply: May 4, 1999
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Digby, a dog that barks.
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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."