This is a Journal entry by Digby, a dog that barks.
Digby, a dog that barks. Started conversation May 10, 1999
my god I just went snowboarding this weekend for the first time , up in Whistler. I almost killed myself and have a happy bruise for almost every 6 inches of skin. I wish they would of had a bunny hill for novices of the likes of me. I soon as I feel in a masachistic mood I'll have to go again.. thank god for ale to dull the pain.. the Canada entry is in progress
snowboarding on water?
Doktor B-Zitch Posted Jul 9, 1999
Do you love snowboarding?
the wind in your hair......
setting up for frostbyte on your nose
the heavenly powder......
which may only be ankle deep, hiding the unforgiveing ice
those lovely view........
as the bloody chair-lift stops YET AGAIN!!!!
Well, if you still can't resit the PULL of the mountain.........
Try Wake-Boarding. yes. its true!
you too can ride all day long without ever seeing any gnarly ice patches.
you can rest up in the warm afternoon sun.
and dive in a lake before you start to sweat!
thats rite ladies and gentle men, its waterskiing without the skis!!
originally for surfers who just couldnt find a wave,
now you can do it too!
Get out the old ski boat, sell you peice-of-crap waterskis and go out and buy a wakeboard!
now find a lake with the calmest, glassiest water, drop your boat and toss out the ski rope!
WITHOUT the ice/rocks/trees
(but look out for cows, dont ask)
WITHOUT the cold
WITHOUT the gravity
and comfy boat seats while you wait for your next ride!
adrenaline junkies? really?
Doktor B-Zitch Posted Jul 9, 1999
it occurs to the doktor, that the last message may be construed as some type of ad.
it is, i was trying to advertise my excitement over this relatively young sport.
i was also trying to advertise that i beleive our researchers may be getting a bit too relaxed in thier studies
how is it that i find no hits for wakeboarding
and only two for snowboarding?
what if i were to try skateboarding or sky diving?
have the researchers forgotten the thrill of the "rush"
(adrenaline-rush or otherwise?)
not only is the rush a great tool for relaxing, venting, testing oneself and just-plain-FUN.......
it is also a wonderful subject of study.
the hordes and masses try everyday to excite their life in anyway possible,
i think we, as devoted watchers of all that IS, might be able to devote some time to study those few people who make it their life's mision and WORK to finding a rush.
dont you?
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