Journal Entries

Thank an ethereal being of your choice...

My first full week is thankfully over. Signed up, finally and I've just finished getting that glassware into the oven... More problematic and time consuming than it sounds.

I'm feeling very very hungry, but can't really afford to buy some quick junk food. This is a major drag. I guess I'll grill a chop or something when I get in.

Also I need to do some writing and then theirs the issue of this party to deal with... still at least it is now officially the weekend for me... 

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Latest reply: Oct 1, 1999

I'm back

at uni again and now here at the guide. Gee it's still all a mess of forms and poo, which has been prolonged by a stupid thing that I can't begin to understand.

I'm sure it's dave's fault. I've not been getting enough sleep recently, and that seems like dave's fault as well.

Mental note to myself... get some spleep.

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Latest reply: Sep 22, 1999

exams and all that

 Well it's that crazy time of year again. When you have to stop being a human and start acting like some kind of deranged computer that transcribes dictation. Then you have to go into one of those demoralising things often referred to as exams.

So guess what I've just walked out of? Yep an exam. Now I reckon that I have quite comfortably passed this exam, where as long as you pass, the mark isn't really all that relavent. I starting revising last night. Some people started weeks ago. Make of that, whatever you will. Am I a risk taking fool, or a smart minded casual who has better things to do with his own time than revise excessively.

Just some thoughts.

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Latest reply: Jun 2, 1999


 Is something that I guess I should be starting round about now. My lab reports are finally finished, and this is to be sure, a good thing.

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Latest reply: May 20, 1999

physical lab write ups

 Nearlly finished JHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHH. Done all but the last one, and hey I only finished the actual practical twenty minutes ago, so jeez give me a break. Well anyway it's the weekend and things are looking rosy! Later people.

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Latest reply: May 14, 1999

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