Journal Entries

Buffy and New York take out square boxes

 Hello everyone! I've been doing lab write ups, which takes ages
because I'm great at finding other things to do.

Also I've been watching buffy again since it's been soooo long. I've
discovered these cool take out microwave noodle things that come
in square boxes and are frickin lovely.

Oh yeah and last night I watched the breakfast club for the first time.
I never realised that it was all my parents fault before! Silly me.
Great film though.

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Latest reply: May 6, 1999

Buffy and New York take out square boxes

 Hello everyone! I've been doing lab write ups, which takes ages
because I'm great at finding other things to do.

Also I've been watching buffy again since it's been soooo long. I've
discovered these cool take out microwave noodle things that come
in square boxes and are f*****g lovely.

Oh yeah and last night I watched the breakfast club for the first time.
I never realised that it was all my parents fault before! Silly me.
Great film though.

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Latest reply: May 6, 1999

Lab Write Ups

 Are so stupid, and you have to put up with the fickle nonsense of
the stupid people who waon't except them unless they're in a lab
book, as if it really matters what they're in?

Anyway watched the waterboy at the cinema last night. It was funny, but
not as funny as Happy Gilmore. But then what is? Apart from H2G2 of course.

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Latest reply: May 4, 1999

Computer rooms at two in the morning.

 Jee wiz is it fun to be sat in an almost deserted computer room at
two in the morning. No would be the answer. In fact a very definite
no. That is all.

Discuss this Journal entry [1]

Latest reply: May 3, 1999

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