Journal Entries

Final Fantasy VIII

 I recently got Square's latest installment to the Final Fantasy series and let me tell you: it's quite possibly the best RPG Square has made, ever. Frankly put, I'm not even going to begin to tell you how much better this is then the widely critizied 7th game. And personally, to me, it's beats out number 6, probably the most critically aclaimed Final Fantasy. The Junction system is a bit complex, but it allows total customization and is very balanced compared to Espers and Materia, although the Draw system can and should be abused to give yourself the upper hand.

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Latest reply: Oct 7, 1999

A new school, a new life

Or maybe not...I just wanted an interesting title...Ahem. Well, to top-off my sophomore year, I'm now in a better funded, cleaner high school (otherwise known as Eastlake) that, to me, brings hope to the usually mediocre American Public School system. Unlike my last school, this one is only a few years old with nice architecture and better teachers. I still have the same boring homework, but that's expected.

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Latest reply: Sep 16, 1999

Uneventful Summer

Great, well, now that all that excitement has passed there's not really anything for me to do now, except get together with my friends. Oh well, it still beats going to school. I can't believe how some people get so bored in the summer that they'd actually want to go to school. You know what would be cool? If instead of going to school, they'd give you books and you could do independent research. Not only would you be able to study subjects that you find most important in depth, (unlike school) it would also weed out the slackers who don't want to learn anything (also unlike school). Then as the final test to see how your research paid off, you finish your education by applying for colleges as normal.

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Latest reply: Jul 18, 1999

Eventful Summer

 Well, this is my first week off and so far it's going pretty smoothly. I have a vacation planned with my parents; I'm going on a road trip throught America. We've got reservations for Yellowstone Park, and we'll rent a trailer. The only problem with summer now is the sub-par weather. Clouds are the norm for 9 out of 12 months in Seattle, but the precious 3 months of summer is always constant sun. So why isn't there any sun to be found?

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Latest reply: Jun 24, 1999

The Final Week

 Ahh...finally. It has come to the final week of school. The Science and Math exams are over with, all that's really left is an easy exit project that we will present next Friday. It is time to relax and plan for the long vacation that's comming soon. No more homework, no more stress, just clear sailing.

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Latest reply: Jun 12, 1999

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