Journal Entries


You know what scares me? When a friend of mine - one who I've known for a while - pulls me aside, and confides in me that she doesn't know whether or not she should to have sex with her boyfriend after Prom. Now I'm as freespirited as the next one, and as hormonally charged as any teenager. But the way she discussed it - much like the way I discuss what I want for lunch - scared the hell out of me.


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Latest reply: Apr 13, 2000

Death and...

I just paid eight dollars in taxes to the government of the commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Hoo boy.

BTW, it's a tad bit weird - I don't live in a state. I live in a commonwealth. Ought to be USCA, then...

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Latest reply: Apr 10, 2000

Panim el Panim

(English: Face to Face)

Four day program for Jewish high schoolers held in Washington DC to teach about politics. Since I already know this stuff, it wasn't so educational. The high point was went we went to Senator Santorum's office and the staff took our group seriously (it also felt great to be able to refer to the Welfare Reform Act of 1996 and cite statistics about the low success rate of food stamps programs while using words like piecemeal - that is, we knew what we were talking about and it showed) Other than that I learned very little.

But shit was it fun. Jox Ash Em and I's room was connected to Ilana Ilana Elana and Alana's so we hung out. And considering our respective social standings... wow. Abercrombie does not mean evil. Almost, but not quite. I talked to people like Kass, Tali, Jaime K. Wow. Who'd a thunk it?

Major issue - David. He wants me. Jox wants him. After he finally admitted it to her, he demanded to talk to me. So then I told him I couldn't stand him, and then he bitched to Jox for an hour. I feel so bad for her. And I think Kline is after me too. And I ... don't even start.

So many firsts on this trip. First time talking to Jaime Katz. First time I sat with Scott (a statue) and sang Ani Difranco songs to myself as the sun set over DC. First time I was taken seriously by an adult who had a say in something. First time I had the urge to strangle Senator Santorum ... oh wait, no it wasn't. Firat time I saw porn - it wasn't interesting though; I was disappointed. First time I liked the overwhelming majority of people in my grade. Aww. Doesn't that make you feel all warm and fuzzy?

Gotta go - Debbie Cohen is on the phone from Virginia.

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Latest reply: Apr 6, 2000


My friend Jox just signed up, and ALREADY got a response to her journal. Meanwhile I have been on H2G2 for 42 weeks, and the first person to respond to my journal was Jox with some inside jokes (aka the ones about real life). PLEASE! Someone! Talk to me! I AM SO BORED... I'm BEGGING you! HELP!!!!!!!!

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Latest reply: Mar 28, 2000

Again the Sigmans, among other joyous events

I had a great couple of days. First we had our first game Thursday, and, as usual, the Akiba Varsity Boys (and me) Baseball Team lost by a lot. But I played - and made an out! Yeah. Then was the Arts Festival, where Lincoln and Chaim both read really good essays. Then I slept at the KBH. Then the next day I left school halfway through fourth period to go see a panel on sweatshop labor. There me (and Jox and Josh E) met some people (including Rufus's grandfather) and leanred a whole lot. And there was this Penn student with an awesome accent who Jox thought was cute. So then we went to Xando's, like good little urban intellectuals, while everyone else was still in school. Then I got Josh directions home (which was a funny process) and took Septa back to Merion. Went by school to get my books, saw Dewey and Kathie, went home (KBH home that is) and hung out. Then Josh showed up. Gave hima little lesson on the street layout of Philadelphia, which was fun. Then we all (Benj Josh Joy and me)(Joy is a guy's name, as in Jo-y Jospeh for the chromasome as opposed to Jo-x Johannah) to the Sigmans. Dinner was good, specially the bourekas. Adam showed up - previously there were Josh, Ari, and Colin. We went into the TV room afterwards, but instead of passively staring at the screen we ended up having a huge pillow fight/ticklefest. Dude was that awesome. And being pretty much the only girl there (well Ari was, but with her older brother around...) I got a lot of attention. Which was nice... but somewhat scary. But mostly nice. So then we went back to the Kamms and sleep. Next morning I call my mom and work out a way to go the GAP protest in Chestnut Hill. It was awesome. Saw Shira, who I haven't seen in months. And Danny on the street corner just as Iwas saying what lucky coincidences keep happening to me. Then Mom and I went to Bredenbeck's and had the world's best ice cream. Then last night I babysat for the Blacks, which was easy, made some money, and talked to Johannah. Dude what a great few days.

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Latest reply: Mar 26, 2000

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