Journal Entries

Time Travel

Time travel, like History is Bunk. No not some double decker bed arrangement for children
and Hostelers. Though the sprung mattress theory of spacetime recieved
some deserving attention from X-Files viewer, this is mainly due to the amount
of time they spend in YMCAs, and the natural affinity they feel toward substandard beds.

It is nonsense, twaddle, bunkum, tomfoolery and fiddlefaddle. Simply stated time is Borg-like in its
inevitability. There are two strains (well it is for me) of thought that irrefutibly prove
this fact.

One. If a time machine could be invented its presence would inevitably seep into all time.
A stolen machine here, an unlicenced factory in prehistory there, smuggled chronokarts all
over the Timescape. "Clocking" taking someones time with out consent would be rife. Thus:

If a time machine was invented it would exist in all times. It does nto exist now, and therefore can't.

The other and more prosaic argument is that in order for people to travel in time the would have had to have done it
already. They haven't, so you can't, so phthhhh to you, Mister H.G.Wells.

So to all you X-Files fans out there (aren't they precious), there aint no time travel. And just to make your
little pointy heads droop even more, there ain't no space travel either. Why, well it's obvious. If you want an explaination
you'll have to wait until I manage to write in word of less than three syllabuls.

P.S anyone know who to spell syllabul?

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Latest reply: May 5, 1999


Being a bit sheddy, and a sometime contributor to Uk.Rec.Sheds newsgroup,
I was delighted to see a quite fabulous display of inventive shed construction
on my way to the pub of pubs, Le Slubbers Inn.

The Allotments provide a lovely outbreak of old doors, Windows and corrugated iron
all standing proud in the gentle evening sunshine - Lovely

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Latest reply: Apr 30, 1999

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Yarga JimJam Putney

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