Journal Entries

It's a good kind of tired

Just joined the county recreation centers yesterday and tried one of them out today. Spent a sorry few minutes figuring out and using a recumbent-style Lifecycle and then left all of the serious, sweaty people for the indoor pool and hot tubs. Very nice. Don't recommend doing the dry sauna thing with your glasses on though... Even got the cover of the hardback that I was reading too warm for comfort.

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Latest reply: Apr 1, 2000

It's a good kind of tired

Just joined the county recreation centers yesterday and tried on of them out. Spent a sorry few minutes figuring out and using a recumbent-style Lifecycle and then left all of the serious, sweaty people for the indoor pool and hot tubs. Very nice. Don't recommend doing the dry sauna thing with your glasses on though... Even got the cover of the hardback that I was reading too warm for comfort.

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Latest reply: Apr 1, 2000

Good Morning *yawns*

It's about 5am in my part of the US and I've been unable to sleep. Been thinking about the editing that Shawn and I have been doing in prep for trying to become co sub-editors (an idea that Shawn came up with as my spelling and grammar are good while his style and research skills are good-together we would be a great editor). Thought that 2 weeks would be more than sufficient, but then life occurred! We are still working on the articles and have actually gotten quite far, but are still nothing like finished.

A local radio station had a contest yesterday pitting Beck against The Cure. Naturally, The Cure soundly trounced Beck and Shawn laughed when I said that I would vote for The Cure. Of course you would was his reply. Now is this obvious because he knew me 10 years ago in my trenchcoat wearing days in high school, or is it because he agrees with me about Robert Smith's still mellifluous voice and ability to write poignant lyrics with good literary allusions?

Excited about picking up a book that I reserved at the public library on the rise in Christian fundamentalism in America and its impact on the image of Christianity in general in the media and general public. Got a chance to read the first chapter in Barnes and Noble on the 17th while listening to The Chieftans. Made for a nice quiet evening of loitering smiley - winkeye

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Latest reply: Mar 29, 2000


That first journal entry was nothing short of fatuous. Sorry about that. I'll try to refrain in the future. Today has been a bit better although I'm a bit embarrassed to find that at 25 I have strep throat. Ridiculous really. But there it is and I can't work for two days. I spend my whole day at work on the phone and on radios. I am a dispatcher for a large plumbing co. I've learned more than I ever wanted to about plumbing but I guess that it could come in handy later in life. I've truly never had a job that I didn't learn something interesting from. Even the job I had for only 2 mos one summer in college. The information may not always be useful, but most of it is interesting (You'd never believe the sanitation habits of some snack areas in multiplexes)!

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Latest reply: Jun 9, 1999

First morning

Well, to start with, I accidentally set my alarm clock for PM and not AM (9:00) so I didn't get up until 10:15AM. Not an auspicious start. Then I noticed that sometime last night someone in the house turned off the washing machine with my work clothes for today in and never turned it back on. As I have to be at work at 12 Noon with a 25 minute commute and a shower, this is not a fabulous occurence.
Then i decided that while the washer was going (can't shower while the washer is going) I would try to contact h2g2. Tried last night, but kept getting timed out whenever I tried. Success! Hopefully, the rest of my day will take this as a precedent for how it should behave.

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Latest reply: Apr 30, 1999

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