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Amnesty International Petition

Post 1


Hi! smiley - smiley

Would you please consider the following?

The following statement will be forwarded to Amnesty International to show that the h2g2 community supports their efforts to end the dreadful practice of torture around the world.

"We, the undersigned, support the aims of Amnesty International and the freedoms enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. We call for the freeing of all prisoners of conscience; the right to fair and prompt trials for political prisoners; the abolition of the death penalty, torture and other cruel treatment of prisoners; and the end of political killings and human rights abuses."

Please join the list of Researchers who have already become a part of this very worthwhile endeavour by signing the h2g2 Amnesty International Petition.

Thanks. smiley - smiley


Amnesty International Petition

Post 2


Oops, forgot the URL: - smiley

I apologize...

Post 3


After I posted the above messages, a fellow researcher pointed out to me that this kind of posting advertisements out of the blue, no matter what the purpose, might seem offensive to some.

Honestly that thought hadn't struck me until then, and if the above message has offended you, then I am honestly sorry and you have my sincere apologees.


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