Welcome !
One day I will get around to putting some stuff in here. This is a new adventure for me. I am currently working on my first entry for the h2g2!
Meantime, cheers and watch the fish.
From the famous Arecibo Observatory, which houses the world's largest single dish radio telescope, scientists are listening out for transmissions from space. Participate in this project for the search for extraterrestrial life with other h2g2 Researchers on The SETI@home Project. If you do take part, there is a small but captivating possibility that your computer will be the one to first detect a message transmitted from an alien civilization. Wow!
UnOfficial h2g2 Lurker |
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Kipple | Aug 2, 2015 |
Welcome from your ACE | Feb 17, 2006 |
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Word association. | Feb 17, 2006 | 4 Weeks Ago |
Kipple | Aug 2, 2015 | No Replies |
Remembering 14, and so many more | No Posting | Dec 6, 2013 |
Again | No Posting | Dec 8, 2012 |
A rough draft of a journal entry on the current road trip (for paulh) | No Posting | Aug 26, 2012 |
Researcher U3212276
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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."