tis only me!!!

hi all

its me Neil!

its funny when you come to try and make an introducing about yourself, its always much better if soeone else does it for you.

i am happily occupied in life with a lovely partner JJ or if you want to shorten it, call her J!

i have two wonderful daughters of school age, one in primary school, one in secondary, and glad to say they are both doing well.

i am passionate about food and love to spend time looking around markets for the freshest ingredients, or the supermarkets for the latest offers, and yes i do visit the reduced section!

i try to contribute to the BBC food message board as and when i can but time seems so short and the board closes at midnight when so many members are just waking up!

i have just started a new job and i am enjoying it after a period of rest.

if you want to get hold of me via e-mail you can find me at [email protected]

shall update my intro soon

for those interested in foodie type stuff here is a link to my food pics

http://www.flickr.com/photos/sunofessex/sets/72057594116684030/" >http://www.flickr.com/photos/sunofessex/sets/72057594116684030/ />
and for those who couldnt get the Scottish link to work when i posted it earlier it is here!

http://flickr.com/groups/30606083" >http://flickr.com/groups/30606083@N00/pool/

you may need to copy and paste the links if they dont work directly


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