All Saints at Colston Hall Bristol 26/4/99

I took my daughter to see All Saints at the Colson Hall in Bristol last Monday. It has been a while since I went to a concert, and I was expecting to be impressed by the sound quality. however I should warn anyone who goes to the Colston Hall and sits upstairs at the back of the balcony, the sound is diabolical there. There was so much in the way of bass frequencies that it was virtually impossible to make out what any of the girls was saying, even when they were just talking with the audience. Apart from the diabolical sound, the show was pretty good. The audience of mainly 10 to 15 year olds wouldn't have cared if they had come on and just stood there. The band apeared to be quite tight and the girls danced the night away. Apart from the dreadful sound the show was very good and I could recommend it to any parents who want to give their young kids a treat. But if you are a parent and you are going to go as well, take some ear plugs as the screaming can be a bit much. Doc

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Doc 31105

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