Boredom as a lifestyle choice.

I am FLUNX! Prince of Ardalon, scrouge of Plüd, desroyer of Life! Kneel before my unholy power! I shall reap this wretched planet and all who exist upon it shall perish in my mighty hellfire!

Ok, so maybe I went a little overboard back there. I'm really a computer geek living in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. My life is so pathetic I have to resort to fantasy to make it seem interesting. I also have a big beard (Mine is the third kind of beard listed).

I am a web developer by day and I am learning to speak Japanese at night. I study Aikido as well.

My hobbies include: sitting on the couch, lying on the couch, sleeping (sometimes on the couch), and going to 'All You Can Eat' buffets (I usually end up moaning on the couch afterwards). Unfortunatly, things have gotten so busy that I don't have much time to enjoy these wonderful passtimes.smiley - sadface

I am a close personal friend of Twophlag Gargleblap.

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