This is the Message Centre for Al 2000
I.D. Badges
Pastey Started conversation Jun 21, 1999
I've come up with a preliminary design for a possible I.D. Badge. Have a look at my user page and let me know what you think.
I.D. Badges
Al 2000 Posted Jun 24, 1999
I think the ID badge looks Great. I'd certainly send off for one. The only thing is that if the researcher has to fill in the badge themselves you'll have to leave some white boxes for them to write on.
I also like the list of logged on users. This should be on the front page, I reckon.
Al 2000
I.D. Badges
Pastey Posted Jun 24, 1999
I agree, the logged on users should be on the front page and I think that they might be doing so, after all it's on a LOT of user pages! All you do is nick the source code and paste in in your own.
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I.D. Badges
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