This is the Message Centre for Al 2000


Post 1

Ginger The Feisty

Smartipants - write one article and it gets accepted - I've written six and none have been rejected or had their rejection rejected - Well Done! smiley - bigeyes
Don't know where you are based but we are arranging a social event - can be found at


Post 2

Al 2000

I'm based in the Midlands and probably won't be able to attend. It's a great idea though. Looks like you have a lot of takers as well. I look forward to the news reports of a strange crowd of rounder players suddenly descending on Clapham Common. It would be good to get a picture of it and put it on the h2g2 front page.

Al 2000


Post 3

Ginger The Feisty

I will have the digital camera with me so that is all part of the plan!

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