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Happy Birthday!

Post 1


Happy birthday for the 11th. May your life be filled with prosperity, and may you live long (unless you're sick of life, in which case, may you die soon smiley - winkeye)

Happy Birthday!

Post 2

Titania (gone for lunch)

Happy Birthday!

May the smiley - fish be with you!

Happy Birthday! Update 2002

Post 3

You can call me TC

It's that time again - and this place has been deserted for two years.

How time flies!

Wish you all the best, whether you see this or not. Everyone deserves pampering at least once a year.

smiley - bubbly

Nobody's home at the moment, but we'll pass on your message...

Post 4

Chris Chapman

I literally just rediscovered my old user space, and I'm amazed to see people have been leaving me birthday messages! Thanks to those who did. That's really wonderful, I had no idea.

I re-registered as U189084 months ago after losing all the details for this account. I think this one was pre-BBC, and the registered email address isn't valid any more, so I'm at a loss for what to do to get back in - not that there's really much here, but it's a shame for it to be inaccessible, and I feel guilty about cluttering h2g2 with incomplete entries and dormant user accounts smiley - smiley

Thanks again for the birthday wishes, Peregrin, Titania, and Trillian's Child. Yes, even though two of them were delivered over two years ago. smiley - cheers

Nobody's home at the moment, but we'll pass on your message...

Post 5


smiley - biggrin Bizarre. If you really want your old username back you could always ask Abi or Peta or somebody about it smiley - smiley

Nobody's home at the moment, but we'll pass on your message...

Post 6

Chris Chapman

I always assumed that there was nothing I could do about it, but I just emailed [email protected] with the details... fingers crossed.

Nobody's home at the moment, but we'll pass on your message...

Post 7

Silicon Avatar

Well, it's been sorted. Woohoo! I don't know who it was at h2g2 support who was so helpful, but if they're reading this I'd like to convey my thanks.

Now, to think about which account I'm going to use and which I'm going to deprecate smiley - smiley

Nobody's home at the moment, but we'll pass on your message...

Post 8



You could use both just to confuse people? smiley - biggrin

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