This is the Message Centre for whatisay

Radio 2 refugees

Post 1


Hi Andy

Rab here, go to for a safe haven if you are not already registered: a website created by BDG.

spread it around
smiley - winkeye

Radio 2 refugees

Post 2

Agent Sizzle

Hi Andy smiley - smooch

Came to tell you about the new site, but obviously RAB has already told you. Seems to be popular and user-friendly.

Look forward to seeing and smiley - deviling you over there some time!

This PM thing here is quite convenient for leaving messages, and I might carry on using it, but overall it's a real pain here.


Radio 2 refugees

Post 3

Primeval Mudd (formerly Roymondo)

Hi. Sorry for lurking but, as a hootooer, I just wanted to say that I've seen what's happened to the rest of the BBC's forums with growing disdain and disgust. Good luck with the non-BBC one. It's not the first (another was set up in the face of apparent homophobia) and it probably won't be the last.

Radio 2 refugees

Post 4



Cheers mate

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