Journal Entries

This is getting fun...

Another article failed rejection. I guess I have to write another couple of articles then. Just to keep the editors busy, of course. And to keep you, the readers, informed in what's going on on this planet.

Lessie... What should my next article be about..?
Whales maybe? If no-one have done one on that.



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Latest reply: Sep 12, 1999

Lo and behold!

Somebody actually reads the stuff I produce! My first submitted User Page failed to be rejected! So now instead it's the Official Guide Entry: "Truth". Excelentey!

So I guess I'd better start writing again... Maybe I'll make an collection of Strange Local Foods to complement the "Lutefisk" article? Time will show.



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Latest reply: Sep 3, 1999


4 weeks. No answer. None at all. Maybe the over-worked
editors should come up with a fantastic new idea on how to
reject ten thousand articles each week? If they'de asked me
they would have gotten an answer. But do they? Nah.

I guess I'll just wait to write the rest of my fantastic articles...
Too bad that the world will miss them because of slow editing...


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Latest reply: Jun 23, 1999

Ah well...

I _was_ planning to wait a couple of days before I submitted the Lutefisk article. But. Hm. I gor some people to review it for me, and then I thought that it might be good enough. As it is. The Truth article misses something though.

Then again... It might be that the editors have a different view of it than I have.


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Latest reply: May 25, 1999

Another User Page...

I've written an article on Lutefisk. I DO want to send that to rejection. But I'll let it stay here in safety with me for a while before I'll submit it.

The previous article was prematurly sent. I see that now. Too much too early. Well well. That's how it is. It's a sure rejection and the editors shouldn't even be bothered with it. But it's too late now. I'll just learn from my mistake, and let the page on Lutefisk stay a little, so I can polish it.

When it's been a week without me touching the file, I'll send it for rejection.



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Latest reply: May 21, 1999

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Piscus Flaccus

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