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I was right
Posted May 21, 1999
Or at least it seems to be that way. Today the sun is gone, and I do not regret the too many beers I had yesterday.
Anyway. To day it's friday, and I'm out to celebrate the first winter-day. Or at least the end of the summer... Hopefully another summer day will come soon to a city near me.
I'll submit my entry about Truth today. Hopefully it'll be rejected in some months so I can start rewriting it.
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Latest reply: May 21, 1999
Last summer day
Posted May 20, 1999
Today is the last day this summer with nice weather. That is a fact. Or at least I like to treat it that way. 'Cause I know that I will regret it tomorrow if I don't enjoy this nice day and tomorrow turns out to be terrible.
So. Today is the last summer day.
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Latest reply: May 20, 1999
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