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Ilona Angel ... leaves earthquakes in her wake

Post 11841


Oi! Quit takin' the proverbial!

smiley - cakesmiley - tea

smiley - teasmiley - cake

Eny fule kno I am on the first circuit smiley - smiley

Ilona Angel ... leaves earthquakes in her wake

Post 11842


smiley - redwinesmiley - oj

Ilona Angel ... leaves earthquakes in her wake

Post 11843


smiley - stiffdrinksmiley - stiffdrink

It's no good popping in after I think you've already left, cos I weren't here smiley - winkeye

Ilona Angel ... leaves earthquakes in her wake

Post 11844



smiley - sadface

smiley - stiffdrinksmiley - stiffdrink

Ilona Angel ... leaves earthquakes in her wake

Post 11845


smiley - stiffdrink clink smiley - stiffdrink

Awww no ... kk dons wise astrologer wig:

You have maybe been focusing too much on one aspect of your life, and need to find a better balance between work and time of your own. Beware strangers offering advice :-|

smiley - empty G'nite! smiley - empty

Ilona Angel ... leaves earthquakes in her wake

Post 11846


smiley - empty G'night! smiley - empty

Ilona Angel ... leaves earthquakes in her wake

Post 11847


Today hasn't worked out as reasonably as it might have done ... hope yours was better ...

smiley - empty G'nite! smiley - empty

Ilona Angel ... leaves earthquakes in her wake

Post 11848


Not bad.

Sorry to hear that.

smiley - empty G'night! smiley - empty

Ilona Angel ... leaves earthquakes in her wake

Post 11849


smiley - teasmiley - tea

Today's much the same. Now I'm trying to get used to the idea that my world will be improved after tomorrow, simply because my limb covering will be violently sloughed off. Similarly, that my world will improve after the end of the month, because the osteopath has a magic wand.

Bits that aren't sore, ache; some do both. Apart from my left wrist, which itches. Come to think of it, it's not only my wrist which itches but the ungetatable focuses my attention.

Oh, and I've had a 'defamatory' post modded: if our ex PM hadn't specifically said on telly that he wanted to do charitable, voluntary work when he left office, then I'd have had less real reason to be rude about his now undertaking profitable lecture tours. It's possible, I suppose, that all the proceeds - less expenses - will go into some kind of ahem charitable foundation founded by ...

(I've just gone through my red card emails: they do tell you why the post was killed, although not which bit of it failed the House Rule test.)

Ilona Angel ... leaves earthquakes in her wake

Post 11850


smiley - teasmiley - cake

smiley - cakesmiley - tea

I hope that goes alright tomorrow.

A stick claimed to be a magic wand might be just as effective if you believed the claim. smiley - winkeye

You were on a thread talking about GB (or TB)? Whatever next...

Ilona Angel ... leaves earthquakes in her wake

Post 11851


smiley - redwinesmiley - redwine

Me, too (hope it goes well, that is).

Magic wand? I wish. With osteo, you're in the no pain, no gain zone. But if a smidgeon of pain means I can turn my head to either side, or reach down to put my shoes on, it'll be worth it. I've had more than a month of waiting for this to improve, and my day to day comfort is going backwards now that I'm off my diet of painkillers.

Seem to have trodden on the toes of a GB apologist, or someone who won't tolerate anything except praise for a hero of a fellow Scot. I can't really believe that GB did his first ever joint with wife TV interview, in order to knowingly tell an untruth; that would have been so sad. If anything, he may have been trying to harvest any Good Guy Really sympathy votes that might have been left over - and I didn't then, and I don't now, feel obliged to focus on anything other than what he actually said in that interview: he had the opportunity to qualify his words, and chose not to.

Meanwhile, I see the response as snipes plus edited versions of what I wrote; plus an answer which scrupulously twists the question (I know what 'business' is, I asked what 'lecture tours' are, especially as there has been no word (yet) to say that the proceeds will be going to charity). Ho hum. I'm still waiting for a flood of supportive nastiness from other posters about how ignorant/prejudiced/bitter/stupid/unpleasant I am ... I'm waiting without a charitiable (sic) thought in my head, as I can't be thinking meaningless nonsense.

Time to step away, methinks, as I really do have more important matters on my RL agenda for the next couple of days smiley - winkeye

Ilona Angel ... leaves earthquakes in her wake

Post 11852


Yep that sounds like a 'step away' moment...

smiley - redwinesmiley - redwine

Ilona Angel ... leaves earthquakes in her wake

Post 11853


smiley - redwine clink smiley - redwine

In a moment of blind panic, I did wonder whether he might have a point. So I did something exceptional, and phoned glitz (who put me right).

Now I've done something else exceptional, and posted on repartee as well smiley - winkeye

Ilona Angel ... leaves earthquakes in her wake

Post 11854


Ripples cast, Zebedee says time for bed ...

smiley - empty G'nite! smiley - empty

Ilona Angel ... leaves earthquakes in her wake

Post 11855


smiley - empty G'night! smiley - empty

Ilona Angel ... leaves earthquakes in her wake

Post 11856


smiley - cakesmiley - tea

Last time, I got told very firmly by the Patient Transport person that I didn't need to check, the car was on its way and it didn't matter whether I was late for my apt or not. Today I phoned again, 15 minutes from the apt time, and was told that no transport was booked ...

Ilona Angel ... leaves earthquakes in her wake

Post 11857


You don't mind if I join you?

smiley - teasmiley - cake

Ilona Angel ... leaves earthquakes in her wake

Post 11858


smiley - teasmiley - tea

So what happened?

Ilona Angel ... leaves earthquakes in her wake

Post 11859


smiley - teasmiley - tea

The fracture clinic tried to arrange transport but it couldn't, apparently, be done at such short notice. Receptionist kept my file on hand, said that if I arrived before the clinic closed, then I'd be seen; the other option was to stay in plaster for another week.

I walked halfway, caught the bus the rest of the way, and was only half an hour late. Cast removed, battle engaged and registrar agreed to let me have a splint that I'll use if needed for the next couple of weeks.

Nurse tried to arrange transport home, no-one held their breath. Meanwhile, I took my referral along to the physiotherapists but, oh no, they will phone me next week with an apt time (sigh); no chance that you'd get help when you need it, is there? And recalling how the staff nurse on the ward had tried to get me some urgent physio before I transferred to maxillo-facial: oh no, they have their system in place and sod the patients at their time of greatest need.

Went to patient liaison and grumbled at them, but only about the transport issue, rather than crank myself into formal complaint mode. Returned to the clinic, nurse still waiting to hear from patient transport team.

Don't bother, said I, I'm off ... have a good weekend, all. Caught the other bus back, just as it was about to leave. Round trip: 92 mins.

The plaster room team lurved my cast cover, they're going to suggest it to future victims, sorry, patients smiley - smiley

What's new, your end?

Ilona Angel ... leaves earthquakes in her wake

Post 11860


Phew, what a palaver!

smiley - redwinesmiley - redwine

Nowt new here really apart from I've been mashing with Imnextdoor's son who I think is 13 or 14. Curiously, as with my brother, I always lose one game. Scores are typically 5-1. Why is this I wonder? Do I lack a killer instinct?

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