Journal Entries

'Have You Missed...?'

Today it's my turn to pick five past entries for the Front Page's 'Have You Missed...?' section. I've chosen five film-related entries: 'The Wicker Man' - the Film (A660232), 'The Wizard of Oz' - the Silent Film (A699014), 'Peeping Tom' and 'Psycho': Reinventing The Horror Film (A407729), 'Some Like It Hot' - the Film (A626104), and Mel Brooks - Director, Actor, Writer and Producer (A650594).

I was told I wasn't allowed to pick any of my own entries (Abi even threatened to cut off my regular pizza supply. Not that that was a particularly worrying threat - she doesn't know about my *other* supplier!).

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Latest reply: Jul 12, 2002


Look at it. Isn't it just lovely?

It lies there, sparking, glinting in the sunshine of the Guide's brilliance, a beacon of light glaring out to us....

Sorry, I've just got my first badge, for my project on Hammer movies. Nice, isn't it.


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Latest reply: Apr 24, 2002

02 April 2002

Well, today sees my first Entry on the front page as it enters the Edited guide (you can see this at: A709706).


That is all.


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Latest reply: Apr 2, 2002

25 March 2002 - Sickness

I resent being ill. The most unproductive, pointless thing about human existence. And being an only child, I'm such a big baby when I get ill and expect pampering, which is why I'm the worst person to be around when I've got so much as a sniffle.

Thanks to me catching a cold, this weekend has been spent sulking underneath a duvet watching videos - or, more accurately, starting to watch videos but falling asleep before the end. Last night was the biggest night of the year for film fans - Oscar Night - and I had to set my video for it and go to bed because I was so tired.

Sickness - what's the point of it, eh?!

The other knock-on effect of this was that, having completed my project on Hammer films (all 7,500 words of it!), I was unable to hand over editor privilages to Shazz, who had put aside time this weekend to edit my magnum opus (that's not latin for Big 'Choc-Ice', by the way). Sorry, Shazz. I've, er... got a note from my mum!


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Latest reply: Mar 25, 2002

15 March 2002 - My First Project

Well, I've just started my first project, on Hammer Films. It comes from a desire to write a book about the subject, but my publisher at the time knocked it back.

While this is in no way as in-depth as the book would have been, it does give a good idea of the work of the Hammer company.

If you wish to check out the work-in-progress version, it's entry number: A710119


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Latest reply: Mar 15, 2002

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Smij - Formerly Jimster

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25 Edited Entries
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