Journal Entries


Hockey rules. Plain and simple. Playing, watching, whatever; hockey is the best sport around! 

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Latest reply: May 17, 1999

 Well, I guess today I will start using my journal. I'm not quite sure what to say. I guess I'll start with my day. Morning-Afternoon: Work. I work with my dad who is an electrical contractor. We mostly remodel houses but occasionally we work on commercial jobs. Today we just installed some celing fans. Not too tough, but not much fun either.
Afternoon-Late Afternoon (now): Checked my email, checked my page here. Responded to a post. Next I will probably catolog some more of my books. I'm up to 1040 in my collection and have several hundred more to go.
Later: Might go for a walk. I will scrape something up for dinner, watch Jeopardy and then read.

Not much going on, but some days we all have to relax.
Bye for now.

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Latest reply: May 4, 1999

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