This is the Message Centre for Nenstiel

Hi, Nenstiel.

Post 1

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant


lil ol' me just steered me here to welcome you to H2G2.

You haven't mentioned what state you live in. I live in Boston, Massachusetts, but my mother was from Michigan, and I have relatives in lots of other states--Iowa, Mississippi, Arkanas, California, and probably quite a few others.

Hi, Nenstiel.

Post 2


Well, I make it a rule to be as vague as possible about my actual physical location when online, partly for security reasons and partly just to drive people screwy with wondering, but I will tell you that I live east of the Rockies and west of the Mississippi. Does that help?

I just visited your space and giggled a lot. People must like hanging around you just for the laughs.smiley - laugh

Hi, Nenstiel.

Post 3

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

I have you down as a few miles south of Omaha. smiley - winkeye

I once wrote a story in which a band of renegade high-tech Indians stole the entire state of Nebraska and whisked it to another planet. smiley - biggrin

Hi, Nenstiel.

Post 4


Actually, Omaha is most of a day's drive from here, but you're getting warm.

What exactly did the Indians want with Nebraska?

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