Past edition of the Hitch Hiker's Guide Online - UK-MUSH

You're lagging behind. The first online version of The Guide was created by the definitely-not-infringeing-that-nice-Mr-Adams'-Copyright "Hitch-Hiker's" Guild on UK MUSH back in 1993.. For the uninitiated, a MUSH is a sort of multiplayer text based adventure game which was mostly used for chatting. It was constructed like a database (users were records, too..) full of rooms and objects which could be manipulated and created by users - the FIRST online Hitch Hiker's Guide was one such object. It became pretty big and very popular. Entries were submitted from all over the world.. OK, so it wasn't searchable - but it was browsable. It was 1993 - I was submitting my entries from a VT100 style terminal with a part time spacebar through a link to the mainframe which had a baud rate lower than my shoe-size.. What do you want, Blood? We got there first..

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hmm, somthing like this? Nov 27, 2004


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MacDonalds Mar 5, 2000 No Replies
Litigation Apr 28, 1999 May 24, 1999


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Subtile Knot

Researcher U28324


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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."

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