This is the Message Centre for jollysuperchicken

welcome to h2g2 'Jolly Super Chicken'!!...

Post 1

Mort - a middle aged Girl Interrupted

I am Mort, <./>ACE </.> (assistant community editor) and a researcher just like you!, here to meet and greet you and help you find your way around this site. smiley - smiley

h2g2 is a living, breathing guide to Life, the Universe and Everything. Everyday our <./>frontpage</.> changes with the latest Edited Guide entries - as well as letting you know the latest hot topics on h2g2.

If you want to write for the Edited Guide, take a look at <./>writing-guidelines</.>, then let me know and I can explain the process for you smiley - ok

<./>ASKh2g2</.> if you have a topic for discussion; or follow the links on that page for games and general chit-chat.

Feisor has compiled a list of links at A719840, including the smiley - dontpanic <./>DontPanic-Tour</.> to make it easier to familiarise yourself with some of the most helpful entries.

Feel free to visit my page for a chat or if you need any help - just click here U204689, or just reply to this message, and I will get back you as soon as I can.

Happy Hiking! smiley - towel


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welcome to h2g2 'Jolly Super Chicken'!!...

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