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Abi - Can you help me?

Post 1


Sorry to barge into your personal space Abi, but I appear to be being moderated again for no reson this time!

I did get booted for being somewhat "adversarial" on another account but since then I have not overstepped any lines, yet have been placed into Pre-Mod again. I have not even received an e-mail to explain my misdemeanor such that I cannot answer it as directed so to do in your "moderation" notes.

Could you possibly enlighten me as to my crime?

Abi - Can you help me?

Post 2


Hi there,

Abi is out of the office at the moment, but I've looked into it for you and have found that an email was sent to the address in the preferences of your original account at 10.22 this morning. This was after a number of Moderation emails had been sent.

I hope this helps.

Abi - Can you help me?

Post 3



Thanks for your answer however it is of little help.

I have just checked my "Preferences" and the e-mail address is correct. I have not received any e-mail explaining this action I can assure you.

Could you possibly resend? It would be astonishingly rare for an e-mail to disappear. Are you sure the correct e-mail address is being used?

Abi - Can you help me?

Post 4


We can only send emails to the address in the preferences. In this case it was the address of your original account - U208313, as that was the account that was being used at the time. If the address is incorrect, then it needs to be changed so that we can send the email again. Otherwise it might simply go astray again.

Abi - Can you help me?

Post 5


So why exactly have you binned this account if I have not been naughty with it?

Abi - Can you help me?

Post 6


Mina, Back on original account but I cannot update the e-mail address? Seems a tad unfair to boot my new account and send the e-mail to the old acount's e-mail?

I cannot use the old e-mail as it is now defunct!

How long must I suffer the indignity of "Pre-Mod"? What is my sentence?


Post 7


Being put on pre-Moderation is something that we do to all the accounts that Researchers run, not just the one that is breaking the House Rules.

The email was sent to the account at the time it went onto pre-Moderation, which is why it was sent to the original account. You can change the email address by logging in and changing it.

We will forward a copy of the pre-Moderation email to the address in this account, but the any further Moderation emails for that account will continue to go to the old address unless you change it.


Post 8


Thanks Mina!

I am not sure that the system will allow me to update any details whilst I am in Pre-Mod but will try again later. How long must I suffer this pennance? I promise not be naughty again.


Post 9


Per-Moderation only affects Postings and entries, so you should be able to change it.

We don't discuss individual Moderation decisions on site, but if you reply to the email we will be able to answer you privately.


Post 10


Is it that bad Mina?

I am thrashing myself over the back with a large branch if that helps my case any ..?

E-mail on way!!


Post 11


Oh bless, no, you don't have to do that. It's a lot easier and nicer to sort these things out over email while we're not watched by a hundred lurkers. smiley - winkeye


Post 12


What a nice person you are Mina! Listen, I don't mind people seeing what I've got to say but if you are touch shy then I understand! Hello all you ghoulish lurkers up there in the rafters!! Swoop down and say hello, I won't bite (well not often?) and I know Mina is just scrummy-licious with even the wretched sinners such as myself so will be very welcoming ... Oops! I'm waffling?

I have fired off an e-mail to the feedback gang at h2g2 as per your instructions. Is that you by the way?

I am now wofting incense and repeating 10 Hail Mary's and a Glory Be as per my school days. Is this enough yet?


Post 13


smiley - blush


Post 14


Hi Bushwhack'd,

I wasn't ignoring you, but as you were being so wonderfully dealt with by my colleague, I thought I would leave you in her capable hands.



Post 15



Erm... Any chance Officer Mina will be along with the keys to my cell soon? She said I was being released today and I have a taxi booked and everything!


Post 16



Thanks for your help! I promise not to post any "lewd" words anymore! I assume I will still be able to target politicians and media types though as long I avoid any erm ... "graphic imagery"???

Thanks anyway!


Going Straight.


Post 17


Good luck. smiley - ok

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