There is no question in the world that does not have an answer!

I've always believed that if you have an idea and ample faith in that idea, you should get ahead with that idea and others would soon catch up with you.

I've always been a thinker. Writing was only an obvious extension of my mental endeavors. Since childhood, I had been a soulful reader and a lonely thinker. Reading fuelled my imagination and gave me the power of analytical thinking. I grew up reading, learning and developing my ideas on different subjects at different times. Some of these ideas found space in newspaper columns also, which gave me immense satisfaction and a fillip for further growth.

I don't know how but somewhere along my lonely journey through my thoughts, I chanced upon the subject of human intelligence. I started thinking and developing my ideas about it. One fine day, when I was travelling on bus from Lucknow to Kanpur, I conjured up a theory that amazed me. I started studying parts of it, observing people and getting hints about it. I searched the Internet and was amazed to find that nobody in the world was even thinking along the lines I was. Nobody is even aware about the concept of human intelligence as a tangible, definable and replicable trait. I knew that this theory could be Nobel material and of great interest to one and all.

But the problem is that you just cannot litter such bright ideas. Neither can you easily find a platform where you could test the credibility of these ideas. Such is the academic, commercial and ethical value of these ideas that I cannot find a suitable avenue to put forward my ideas. Till I find such an avenue I alone carry and enjoy the burden of these ideas.

[email protected]
Yahoo: hawkinvestment
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