This is the Message Centre for elekragheorgheni

I feel it is time

Post 1

aka Bel - A87832164

to leave you a message directly. smiley - smiley

Thank you for all your feedback, it really is appreciated. smiley - hug

I think you are aware that I've been somewhat down lately, so reading your positive comments means more than you can probably guess.

I feel it is time

Post 2


Thanks for the line. I am sorry that you are under the weather. Again, I appreciated your entries. I regret not meeting you while we lived in Germany --but back then we didn't hootwo at all. I think Germany needs to declare you a national treasure for smiling so much. All the pleasant memories I have of Germany would have had a sweeter flavour had I met some more Germans like you.

I'm hoping that some bright things happen to you so your smiles will regain their proper wattage. Be careful though--maybe people take advantage of smilers---that might explain lack of smiles of other Germans (it is defensive)smiley - biggrinsmiley - ale.

I feel it is time

Post 3

aka Bel - A87832164

>>wattage<< - I love the word. smiley - biggrin

I think you used to live in Germany well before hootoo was founded, no? I seem to recall dmitri mentioning the late 1970 early 1980s, but I may be wrong. I was in the north of Germany at the time, I moved to Kiel in 1981, and to Frankfurt in 1987.

I'm sorry people weren't too nice (I could hardly believe what dmitri told about the treatment he got in that bakery in Munich - that's quite shocking).

The northerners here are said to be uncommunicative, pigheaded and unwelcoming to strangers, but I think that is a myth.

I'll be going to the h2g2 London meet Friday next week, so smiles are guaranteed. smiley - biggrin

I feel it is time

Post 4


That is true it was prehootwo. Prehandys too! I remember going to an online meeting in Munich and a German being unhappy with me because I was NOT BEING serious!!! You Americans NEVER take anything seriously.

I feel it is time

Post 5

aka Bel - A87832164

Oh, I'm a pretty serious person. I had to join h2g2 to learn to be light-hearted and enjoy life. smiley - biggrin

I feel it is time

Post 6


That is good because you deserve it. Just be careful at the Meet and drink responsibly -some Brits can't hold their liquor!

I feel it is time

Post 7

aka Bel - A87832164

Can't hold their liquor? Like in: they get drunk?

I once had a pint too many t a meet, or it was a wrong pint (I tried a special brand they sold there, it tasted very weird and I should have left it), and I ended up with a murderous smiley - headhurts in the middle of the night, and several urgent visits of the loo.
I've never had more than one beer at a meet again. smiley - laugh

I just can't risk a migraine or smiley - hangover or whatever it was when I have to catch a plane the next day.

I feel it is time

Post 8


Have fun on your trip! Are you going by yourself then?

I feel it is time

Post 9

aka Bel - A87832164

Yes, fortunately. My husband went with me once (he absolutely wanted to), but then had to admit afterwards that it had been a bit boring (although everybody was absolutely nice to him), and that it was very hard for him to understand people and express himself.
He has never shown an interest in h2g2 (he only came because the meet was in London!), although he knows some of my friends on here (those he met in London, and those who came here for a meet). He hasn't the slightest idea of what I'm doing here. He thinks all I do is chatting.
The one time I told hiom about an entry (my first one), and asked him for a photo his reaction was so negative that I never told him anything again. smiley - smiley

So I am *very* happy to be able to go to the meet on my own. smiley - biggrin

I feel it is time

Post 10


Good for you. He seems to trust you a lot though! I wouldn't want not to know what D is doing--even though I trust him ---not sure about everyone else. Some people are into poaching or casually borrowing other people's significant others!

I feel it is time

Post 11

aka Bel - A87832164

>>Some people are into poaching or casually borrowing other people's significant others!<<
smiley - laugh

I've never noticed that at meets. I think it's far more likely to happen in your normal environment, don't you think?

I feel it is time

Post 12


Probably --I think cyberspace is very liberating. You can express yourself without having to account for everyone's prejudices. I think that the disparity between people as they are in RL as opposed to their screen persona might be incongruous or disappointing at least. It depends how much of themselves they show on the web. Some people seem to want to be very confessional in their on screen life. I think D & I would rather be a bit more mysterious and surprise people ---they would be rather disappointed to meet us in person.

With the memorial to Pheloxe , though made me feel that he had enriched and blessed all the people he interacted with and I'm sorry I didn't have the opportunity to do that.

I feel it is time

Post 13

aka Bel - A87832164

I've met quite a few people from here over the years, and I've never been disappointed by anybody's RL persona. Most people (I can't speak for all, because there are too many to *really* get to know them within a few hours) are exactly like I've found them here. But then maybe it's mainly the sincere people going to meets anyway, while those who are totally different from their screen persona stay at home?
Hard to tell. If somebody chooses to remain anonymous I respect that.
I can't tell about you, but I don't perceive dmitri as 'mysterious'.
I don't actually need to know his or your RL name. I enjoy our conversations, that is all that counts.
I can't imagine I'd be disappointed if I was to meet him or you in RL, but then I don't have any expectations. Or maybe one: that we would have a few very interesting conversations, and I bet I wouldn't be disappointed in that regard. smiley - smiley

I feel it is time

Post 14


Well that is good that you were not disappointed. Your English is so good, did you study that at Uni? My German is so rusty, since I get so little chance to use it, I think I might have mustered a sentence or two to help customers in Target. D is the one who is talented at languages.

I've got to get D's dinner packed so bye for now. smiley - run

I feel it is time

Post 15

aka Bel - A87832164

I did study English at uni, but they expect you to know the language for studying it. I had mainly very good English teachers at school. Nine years of English, the last three of which with twice the amount of lessons (5 to 6 per week; usually it's 3 hours per week).
So I had a good basis when I joined here, but I learnt a lot here on h2g2.

I feel it is time

Post 16


Well you are a credit to your teachers then. The problem with English is that although the grammar is not as overdetermined as in Germanic or Romance languages it is deucedly idiomatic and although it has a Germanic base, it has Romance components grafted onto it.

That is what makes it an international language. But it almost offers too much freedom to the writer.

Anyway have a good day preparing for the meet. Is there a particular hotel where everyone stays?

I feel it is time

Post 17

aka Bel - A87832164

There is a hotel where most of the Nordic Researchers stay from what I know, but then I think they booked it together. usually, everybody looks where they stay fro themselves.
I'll only leave here on Friday, so that's two more days to prepare. The weather forecast is for overcast and chilly (max 18°C) for the whole weekend.

I feel it is time

Post 18


I am glad you had a good time at the meet! Sorry to hear about your work wine spill. If it is an enclosed room you should use fans to get the odor out!

I also hope your husband and son were happy to see you back! Did they manage to get enough to eat or did they hit the imbisses and pomme frit bodas while you were away?

I feel it is time

Post 19

aka Bel - A87832164

Oh, the smell had evaporated the moment it was all moped up. smiley - biggrin

I just thought my boss' remark was so funny.

Did you read my meet report and look at the photos?

I think there are quite some good ones among them.

My husband and both sons were glad when I was back. I haven't asked what they cooked, though, they're old enough to look after themselves.
We don't order food, though, and we hardly ever eat out (it's too expensive), so I'm sure they cooked something.

I feel it is time

Post 20


Bel, how are you doing? What's new with you? Do you have more to do with smiley - thepost now? I'm afraid I don't have much respect for Rich --inveigling people into games and then quitting on them. It is a sin that I repent of, that is why it annoys me so much.

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