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About that edited Verdi entry...

Post 1


Hi, Ashley!
I've already posted this under Monday's edited Verdi entry,
but it didn't seem to catch anyone's eye.

I was surprised to see The Cheese listed as a co-author of that entry: I assume he or she was the original sub-editor, and the entry was passed back to you, Sam or Chris to finish off. But this was one entry I put a lot of work into (and I can see now that I went a bit overboard!) and I don't think I should have to share the author credit when it was all my own work.

I understand that you're very busy, but if it's possible to fix this at some stage I would really appreciate it!

smiley - rose

About that edited Verdi entry...

Post 2


All fixed... thanks for pointing this out.

smiley - smiley

About that edited Verdi entry...

Post 3


Thanks, Ashley!
smiley - oksmiley - oksmiley - ok

smiley - rose

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About that edited Verdi entry...

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