Journal Entries

Strange problems

I have to come out of h2g2 when I post a reply and then come back in via the front door.
My posting on a religious topic disappeared into a black hole when I quoted liberally the gory text of Exodus.
I'm not saying the two things are connected. That's for others to judge...isn't it?

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Latest reply: Nov 14, 2006

Vincent Van Gogh is the best painter of all time

Vincent. I salute you!smiley - cheers

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Latest reply: Feb 12, 2006


Every day is smiley - magic

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Latest reply: Jan 18, 2006


What is history? How far can we trust those who research and write our history books? Does each author have his own axe to grind?

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Latest reply: Dec 27, 2005

Christmas Reading

With 3 days to go this year's Christmas reading is already sorted!
1.The Holocaust on Trial (subtitled 'History, Justice and the David Irving Libel Case') by D.D.Guttenplan
2.The Millenium Problems (subtitled 'The seven greatest unsolved mathematical puzzles of our time') by Keith Devlin.

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Latest reply: Dec 22, 2005

Back to Lucky Llareggub - no more cannibals in our village, we ate the last one yesterday..'s Personal Space Home

Lucky Llareggub - no more cannibals in our village, we ate the last one yesterday..

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