Journal Entries

Well, hoozah

 I got de job. Truly life is wonderful.

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Latest reply: May 15, 1999

Will I get a job?

I'll find out after 4 o clock. Yes, that's right. 4 today is my date with destiny.

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Latest reply: May 15, 1999

Linux is as Linux does

 It's great! I'm getting used to this behemoth. Some features really are very good indeed.

I invite any interested parties to have a look at some of the following websites (whilst I plan an H2G2 article on Linux...):

Have fun!

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Latest reply: May 9, 1999


Well, I'm sick of Windows crashing all the time, so I'm now running the trendy operating system Linux. It's completely free, and like the Guide, is created by people all over the world working together. Except with not so many Vogons. (I think we should all promise not to try and write HHGTTG jokes because we're all very bad at them. Apart from U42, natch.)

Anyway, Linux is a pain to do anything with, but at least it does not crash all the time. When I've been running it for a bit longer I'll let you know how I'm doing.

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Latest reply: May 8, 1999

Well Now

Well now, isn't this nice.

I am not in fact going to write anything here - hee hee hee chortle chortle snigger snigger guforph guforph (sic?)


Ed Moore 

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Latest reply: Apr 29, 1999

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Researcher U26876

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