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The million Bright Ambassadors are Dawning
Ménalque Posted Apr 30, 2006
Well, I got it roughly sorted out, and came up with a title. But please remember the second stanza still is only rough, I would welcome any suggestions.
Blots and Specks
Houses compound, across the road
Chalk spread, across the sky
And now rich light of street lamp stains
With greyly golden dye.
And as the purple light withdraws
The darkling drops of rain
Blot out the inkling blush of stars,
Each clear and free and tied.
With links beyond, behind deep seas
Small grains of light will be
Born in through waves of foaming clouds
Drawing in sandy day.
Ideas of sun turn dark skies bright,
And replace once endowed
Memories of the distant night,
The night I did not see.
What do you think? Hows your stuff coming on, any inspiration yet?
The million Bright Ambassadors are Dawning
Ménalque Posted Apr 30, 2006
This is the worked upon version of Eye.
Someone I love was near me.
Between my arms, a blue cat is
Flickering, before my screen.
Looking out my window, there
Trails the procession of
Bright lights, tailing away to
Illuminated dark. Mixing
Into a path of stars.
It extends to the extent,
Of the universe of my
My Love is close.
What do you think? I'd really appreciate any contribution, constructive critism you have.
The million Bright Ambassadors are Dawning
Ménalque Posted Apr 30, 2006
Oh no! I forgot to write the last word lol!!
Someone I love was near me.
Between my arms, a blue cat is
Flickering, before my screen.
Looking out my window, there
Trails the procession of
Bright lights, tailing away to
Illuminated dark. Mixing
Into a path of stars.
It extends to the extent,
Of the universe of my
My Love is close by.
The million Bright Ambassadors are Dawning
Lucky Llareggub - no more cannibals in our village, we ate the last one yesterday.. Posted May 3, 2006
You should go to Word Wizards and put your poems on there. It's a small site with 75 or so members, perhaps a dozen regulars. I put a poem there a couple of days ago. It's called The Library. They give each other encouragement and advice. I think it would be ok for you.
Glad you're in a good mood. It's the sap rising!
The million Bright Ambassadors are Dawning
Ménalque Posted May 5, 2006
nope, couldn't find it
oh well!
how's your poetry coming along, miz? Have you found a spark of inspiration yet? LL's right, the spring's here and I'm feeling
right now, and that's helping me!
LL, do you have any of your poetry online I coud read , if you don't mind?
Talk to you both soon
to eat
(but not with that weird pink stuff on top
The million Bright Ambassadors are Dawning
Lucky Llareggub - no more cannibals in our village, we ate the last one yesterday.. Posted May 6, 2006
Try and you should come to it. I think I have 2 poems on there somewhere.
Also a few poems at - Look under 'Poetry Competition' and if you search around I think I've got 4 poems that have won 1st prize and 1 that has won 2nd prize and about 4 others in runner-up positions - so that's about 9 to be going on with.
Also there if you scroll down to Short Storys Competition there's a story there called 'Holiday in Venice' which won 2nd prize.
The million Bright Ambassadors are Dawning
Ménalque Posted May 7, 2006
LL, looking forward to reading your poems later, they sound pretty good with all those shiny awards
Thanks for the miz, still feeling
, but going out practice driving soon, so will probably get a bit stressed then
So, how are you?
How's your poetry?
The million Bright Ambassadors are Dawning
Miz307 Posted May 7, 2006
Hi so your off out on the road eh? Me we'll have'nt written any poetry but i've written an article for the guide, think i've got writters block
The million Bright Ambassadors are Dawning
Ménalque Posted May 7, 2006
That's great! What's the article on? I've had one (unsuccesful
) attempt before and I'm giving it another go at the moment, writing one on John Donne.
Is yours in PR atm? if so I might have to go and check it out.
I'm learning to drive atm, but its abit atm, I'm just starting to learn roundabouts, and I never can accelerate fast enough when joining a major road. Do you drive?
The million Bright Ambassadors are Dawning
Miz307 Posted May 7, 2006
Hi.. no my writing is'nt in PR yet, but will be soon let you know when. Good luck with the driving, I have taken three tests
abt ten years ago, would love to be on the road, maybe one day i'd like to go on a crash course, does'nt sound very good does it! How long have you been learning?
The million Bright Ambassadors are Dawning
Ménalque Posted May 7, 2006
I've been taking lessons since late-november, but didn't have any late-dec to early-march because of x-mas and exams
. Its strange how similoair those two are spelt, but how different they are!
Its odd, cos I think the two worst drivers in lower-6th were the first two to pass! But one of them has now crashed 3 times, and is already 1k in debt for repairs!!!
What is your guide entry about? Let me know as soon as it gets put on!
The million Bright Ambassadors are Dawning
Miz307 Posted May 7, 2006
Yeah my brother passed first time and i thought he was a maniac, but a confident one at that! I'll be sure to let you know when my write up goes on show
take care
so what you studying?
The million Bright Ambassadors are Dawning
Ménalque Posted May 8, 2006
I'm in lower sixth, studying maths, physics, literature, and history. Got my exams starting next week .
[Quickly calculating] So you must be working right? What do you do, did you go to uni or not?
I hope its sunny today!
The million Bright Ambassadors are Dawning
Miz307 Posted May 8, 2006
Is that at uni? No i did'nt go..I've just finished training as a TA and am looking for work, I work part time in a school as a superviser.
It's pouring with rain here, but good to see you in good spirits
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The million Bright Ambassadors are Dawning
- 21: Ménalque (Apr 30, 2006)
- 22: Ménalque (Apr 30, 2006)
- 23: Ménalque (Apr 30, 2006)
- 24: Lucky Llareggub - no more cannibals in our village, we ate the last one yesterday.. (May 3, 2006)
- 25: Ménalque (May 5, 2006)
- 26: Ménalque (May 5, 2006)
- 27: Lucky Llareggub - no more cannibals in our village, we ate the last one yesterday.. (May 6, 2006)
- 28: Miz307 (May 6, 2006)
- 29: Ménalque (May 7, 2006)
- 30: Miz307 (May 7, 2006)
- 31: Ménalque (May 7, 2006)
- 32: Miz307 (May 7, 2006)
- 33: Ménalque (May 7, 2006)
- 34: Miz307 (May 7, 2006)
- 35: Ménalque (May 8, 2006)
- 36: Miz307 (May 8, 2006)
- 37: Miz307 (May 18, 2006)
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