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The million Bright Ambassadors are Dawning
Ménalque Started conversation Apr 23, 2006
I'm blub-blub
I was just ing about your PS, and really enjoyed reading those poems you put in your journal.
Would it be ok if I added you to my freinds list , so I can keep up with other poems you write
I thought you might also be intrested in this: F2137311?thread=2507569 the POETRY CONVERSATION.
bye for now
The million Bright Ambassadors are Dawning
Ménalque Posted Apr 23, 2006
I write abit of poetry too, but only have these two meager attempts online;
Untitled; F2760410?thread=2226166
Epitaph for Guru Roghan Josh; F112511?thread=2779650
They were both on-the-spot, not worked out, hence the poor quality . (and yes, the second one is a bit
Do you mind if I ask you a few questions about yours?
1) What motivates you to write?
2) What do you hold importent?
Personally, I concentrate on ideas in mine, the concept of something as opposed to its actuality.
As a result, the focus in my poems is on the ideas, and so language use and structure are important, whereas I tend not to concentrate on rhythm, and my poems rarely rhyme.
I notice you tend to write in rhyming couplets. Is this to reflect the realtionships between the people in the poem? Or between the author and reader? Or to create division in your 4-line stanzas? or something else entirely?
The million Bright Ambassadors are Dawning
Ménalque Posted Apr 23, 2006
I just realised, I did title that first poem lol.
I called it "eye"
It concerns perception, and the barrier between internal mind, and external reality. I polished it up ALOT after I initially jotted it down online.
The million Bright Ambassadors are Dawning
Miz307 Posted Apr 23, 2006
Hi, interesting blub blub
With me it just comes out the way it does, if i start trying to improve or write different style i don't think it would work.
Unfortunetly I write when times are bad hence the poems i have put up. I guess i'm in need of some inspiration, also I have'nt written anything for a long while. I'll add you to my friends list and look forward to seeing you again.
The million Bright Ambassadors are Dawning
Ménalque Posted Apr 26, 2006
Sorry to bother you. Just wondered if you would mind checking/giving your opinion on the first few lines of a stanza I've been working on.
Is it ok if i post it here?
The million Bright Ambassadors are Dawning
Ménalque Posted Apr 26, 2006
Houses compound across the road
Chalk spread across the sky
And now rich light of street lamp stains
With greyly golden dye.
And as the golden gold withdraws
The darkling drops of rain
Blot out the inkling blush of stars
Still untitled, and lacking a last line. I actually rhymed for once!!
What do you think of what's there so far?
The million Bright Ambassadors are Dawning
Miz307 Posted Apr 26, 2006
I like it, it has a lot of feeling let me know when you choose a title
or if you add anymore, i'll be interested to see what comes next
although it's good as it is.
The million Bright Ambassadors are Dawning
Ménalque Posted Apr 26, 2006
Still trying to think of the last line. Needs to be 6 syllabuls, rhymic scheme of unstressed, stressed to fit in smoothly. Also, would like it to end in a rhyme with 'road' to complete balance of rhyming scheme. Ideas wide I want to break it out to a larger scale still, whilst confining it back to the personna to make it personal.
I'm also not happy with "goldly gold", I thought it was a good idea at first, but now i'm not so sure. Maybe purple instead of goldly, for connataions of religion and royalty, then a synonym for sun instead of gold. What do you think?
Thanks for looking it over.
The million Bright Ambassadors are Dawning
Miz307 Posted Apr 26, 2006
To be honest I was so caught up in the feel of the poem I did'nt notice, but now you've mentioned it, I think purple sounds even better.
The million Bright Ambassadors are Dawning
Ménalque Posted Apr 26, 2006
purple gold
purple light
purple sun
purple glow
Anyway, I'm really tired so going to bed now.
good night!!
The million Bright Ambassadors are Dawning
Ménalque Posted Apr 29, 2006
Good thanks, but I trashed the entire second stanza I'd been working on lol. I've also almost finished another poem called 'Building', put I can't put it on h2g2, cos I need to use right-alignment for a part of it.
Have you written snything more recently?
The million Bright Ambassadors are Dawning
Miz307 Posted Apr 29, 2006
Ok you know what i have'nt written anything for so long, I find I write best when things are really bad, got to be a good sign, don't ya think? Anyhow i'm looking for some inspiration..any ideas?
The million Bright Ambassadors are Dawning
Ménalque Posted Apr 29, 2006
Well, of my three recent poems, 'Eye' was based on reflecting upon reflections on what defines me. The still untitled one was inspired by just looking out the window, and having one of those total-perspective-vortex moments, and Building is about individual vs social identity. So I just think of myself, to know its accurate, and I guess they're all kind of elergies. I don't know if that helps you at all
Why is it you find it easier to write when feeling down? Maybe if you could work that out you could find the same inspiration in other aspects of life?
The million Bright Ambassadors are Dawning
Miz307 Posted Apr 29, 2006
Yeah I guess i'll have to work on that When things were real bad in my life it was a way of coping ie writing it all down and it came out in a poem that's it really did'nt have to think about it it just happened. If someone gives me a subject then i'm ok, but it does'nt mean as much.
The million Bright Ambassadors are Dawning
Ménalque Posted Apr 29, 2006
So, if poetry is a way for you to channel emotion, maybe try thinking of a time when you were really happy, ecstatic (in the true sense of the word). Imagine yourself their, all of the sensory experiences. Try to think of what was it that made it such a fantastic time. Maybe in that way you can evoke similarly strong emotion?
Well, going to bed now
good luck
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The million Bright Ambassadors are Dawning
- 1: Ménalque (Apr 23, 2006)
- 2: Miz307 (Apr 23, 2006)
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- 5: Miz307 (Apr 23, 2006)
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- 7: Ménalque (Apr 26, 2006)
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- 9: Ménalque (Apr 26, 2006)
- 10: Miz307 (Apr 26, 2006)
- 11: Ménalque (Apr 26, 2006)
- 12: Miz307 (Apr 26, 2006)
- 13: Ménalque (Apr 26, 2006)
- 14: Miz307 (Apr 26, 2006)
- 15: Miz307 (Apr 29, 2006)
- 16: Ménalque (Apr 29, 2006)
- 17: Miz307 (Apr 29, 2006)
- 18: Ménalque (Apr 29, 2006)
- 19: Miz307 (Apr 29, 2006)
- 20: Ménalque (Apr 29, 2006)
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