Outside work I have many interests and never enough time to devote to them. However due to my passion for opera and classical music I have recently been asked to consider voluntary work for the Royal Opera House which I have accepted. I also sing with St Bartholomew's Hospital Choral Society and we will be performing Mozart Mass in C Minor on 13th April - if anyone is interested in coming to hear us just leave me a message for further details.
Conversation Title | Latest Post | Latest Reply |
Slugs & snails | Aug 2, 1999 | Jun 28, 2010 |
Jazz in Hyde Park | Jul 6, 1999 | Sep 29, 1999 |
Sangria | Jul 9, 1999 | No Replies |
Additional Questions | May 18, 1999 | Jun 10, 1999 |
Common garden slugs & snails | May 28, 1999 | Jun 5, 1999 |
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