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Post 21


Heh, I'm not *that* mysterious...

Yeah, entering my third year now smiley - smiley... well, in about a month, anyway. I've actually been in Cambridge all summer (near enough) because I've been working at a local software company... good fun, definitely hard work though!...

Hmm. If you're getting pre-termtime contact neilfish, does that mean you'll be staying in K block?... or is that late enough for the other accomodation to be open?

Anyway, er, I only just got up so I'm going to shut up before I said something stupid smiley - laugh


Post 22


I really want to stay in cam next summer, that would be so much better than my current summer job in sainsbury's. Unfortunately I'm a biologist, which is more difficult to find a job in. (and it has to be a paying job) Maybe I'll speak to my DoS about it. He likes me. I think. I hope. He'd better like me.


Post 23


smiley - smiley

I'd actually given up on finding a decent job for the summer... then one of my supervisors mailed myself and another Caian and basically said 'do you want a job?'... heh... turned out to be incredibly convenient and all-round awesome. Just lucky, I guess smiley - smiley

But, yeah, directors of studies and supervisors might well be good people to talk to...


Post 24


very lucky. (and you lived in tree court last year - lucky again - was it good being in college?)


Post 25


Tree court is *awesome* smiley - smiley... ahem... I'm not sure that's a very civilized way to describe it, but, ah well... I'll have a much nicer room in October but it's over at St Mike's... ah well.

Being in college is also incredibly handy -- although the most handy part is probably proximity to Sainsbury's. Hmm. Proximity to hall is also rather handy during term time, I suppose smiley - smiley

Ironically I was pretty near the bottom of the room ballot... but since most second years live out by parker's piece, there were a few old courts rooms still available. The bottom of the pile, but I needed a network connection, so I took one... definitely a good choice smiley - smiley

(although... please don't ask me about the early morning traffic... living ten feet from the main route through the city centre isn't much fun)


Post 26


One of my friends is up the blue light staircase this year. I'm over in gresham, but the house is almost completely filled with people I know, so I think I did quite well, considering hw low I was on the ballot (gonna be SO high up next year!).


Post 27

neilfish, purveyor of the finest confusion since 1442

So then... which George did you mean? The one with wild curly hair, the one of the two-some that is C+G or another, totally different George?

And WRT where I am staying? I don't know myself yet, but there will be about 20 medics all having to find places to live.


Post 28


Hmm, yes, I'll actually be living near people from my year this time!... probably mean I get less peace and quiet smiley - smiley

I ended up tenth on the ballot this time, which was fun... I missed out on the really really good rooms, but I can't complain smiley - smiley


Post 29


Hmm, I mean the George who is George Herd smiley - smiley... third year natsci from October...

I imagine nobody's ever really quite sure what the college is going to do about accomodation smiley - winkeye


Post 30


Yes, and from looking you up in the stalker's guide (little book with list of everyone in caius) we know WHY you were 10th in the ballot. That was me doing the looking-up, I like to gather info about people.

I'm not sure if I know you well enough to insult you yet. Or I would be making connections between 'compsci' and 'scholar' and 'not emerging from room', to explain why we haven't seen you.

But then again I don't know many people in college. F'rinstance, neilfish speaks of ChrisandGeorge, and I go 'huh?'. Because I recognise one of them, but I don't know which he is. Very confusing.


Post 31

neilfish, purveyor of the finest confusion since 1442

I think that's a bit stereotypical and rude! Sorry for catwoman, she's a little.. how shall I say... blunt?


Post 32


Chuckle... actually, I did roughly the minimum respectable amount of work this year... I did work quite hard last year, though smiley - smiley

The reasons for not emerging from my room much are a little complex... a large part of it is the whole 'girlfriend in America' business, which is time consuming and requires a phone or computer smiley - winkeye

Another part is the fact that I don't drink, and I certainly don't dance... heh... you're most likely to see me at juggling events, although cinema trips and general geek stuff is good too smiley - smiley... oh, and at compsci tea every week, of course...


Post 33


In America originally, or started but somewhere sensible but is now in America? Makes being split up for summer hols seem kinda insignificant.

Compsci tea? Cute. Wish we had natsci teas. Well, some of us do, but they're more of 'oh, look who has a tv, let's all go to her room and watch ER and eat chocolate biccies' than arranged things.


Post 34

neilfish, purveyor of the finest confusion since 1442

She says this (in a very cynical way) because that is what happened to her last year. Having one of the few tellies in HC, with a Good reception, lots of her fellow NatScis did monopolise her TV (and very comfortable chair)...(and her cushions!!).


Post 35


In America originally... we've been 'together' since about ten months before I even got to Cambridge...

Our longest stretch apart has been about twenty months -- and we've seen each other in person three times for what must be getting on for a month total...

It's a slightly odd way to do things, but, hey, it could be worse smiley - smiley

Hmm. I recently got a TV card for my computer, good fun smiley - smiley... I doubt it will occupy me all that much, but when I get home I plan on taking a digital copy of all our good movies smiley - biggrin


Post 36

neilfish, purveyor of the finest confusion since 1442

At one point there was a Cambridge media exchange ring thingy (you'd probably know more about it, being a CompSci) which was really good for getting movies or TV programs. Like Kazaa only over the network so really, really fast. But they shut it down. Darn!


Post 37


Hmm, you mean DirectConnect?... I never used it for anything much... I did use the local network at Harvey Court a little though smiley - smiley... but I think I deleted everything a little later when I wanted the disk space... shrug.

I'm currently trying to figure out the whole recording video thing... since I use Linux and not Windows it's a little complex, but I should be able to get it to automatically record stuff that will interest me smiley - smiley... maybe. I'll have fun trying to make it, anyway smiley - silly


Post 38



My cat-sense is tingling.

I suspect the beginnings of a linux-based conv coming up. (says she who doesn't do anything complex enough to mke windows angry, so is fine as she is)


Post 39


smiley - laugh don't worry, I'm quite capable of not talking about Linux when polite society demands it smiley - winkeye

So. Er. Nice weather we were having a couple of weeks ago, eh?


Post 40

neilfish, purveyor of the finest confusion since 1442

she says this because she know's I am a linux fan (and spend many hours moaning about windows), and did use linux on my computer at Cambridge. Before I tried reinstalling a later version and the CD drive sort of bust and now it's all bejiggered. But I still like it. (linux that is, not my PC. That I hate)

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