GCSE Examinations

These are exams sat by all teenage earthlings as a sort of living purgatory and are performed routinely by begrudging students every year. They are considered however, by the students who are taking them as a spring board into the realm of adulthood, alcohol and sex before marriage. This is all fine unless you happen to be one of the unfortunate teachers who have to educate the unwilling, uncooperative raging hormones on legs (otherwise known as a student or adolescent). Despite relentless nagging of angry mothers that their acne ridden child is not performing as well as its older brother or sister the exams are still taken. The subjects taken are a wide variety from English to Geography punctuated with the occasional subject designed specifically for those students, who have taken so many life enhancing drugs that they can not even remember what day it is. These people are still able to sit and excel in such subjects and usually follow in a traditional pattern and become leaders of a small country. As you may have now assumed i am one of those fortunate thousand upon thousands of school students who find the approach of exams less and less daunting. I personally have learnt everything i need to know from the hitch hikers guide to the galaxy and would not dream of leaving my house without my towel! My name is Tom Stephens and i attend St Georges school, Harpenden in England. Fortunately for me i have earned a reputation for work, sport and womanising. This leaves me in a similar position to so many other "dedicated" students who are still left puzzled about the definition of the heading at the top of all are exam papers "GCSE"!!


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GCSE Examinations May 5, 1999 Dec 10, 2005


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Tom Stephens

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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."

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