Journal Entries


Wednesday. Is it me, or are more and more people getting cancer. I know it's a little morbid, but it just struck me. Never fear - follow Buhddist mentality. As soon as we realize that life, (earth life anyway), is suffering, we begin to find existence easier to digest. It's like grilling the skin off of a pepper, rather than frying it. Or something. 

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Latest reply: Apr 28, 1999


Wednesday. Is it me, or a re more and more people getting cancer. I know it's a little morbid, but it just struck me. Never fear - follow Bhuddist mentality. As soon as we realize that life, (earth life anyway), is suffering, we begin to find existence easier to digest. It's like grilling the skin off of a pepper, rather than frying it. Or something. 

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Latest reply: Apr 28, 1999

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