This is the Message Centre for The stone eater aka SigSig (SI) - webmaster

Garlicky apology

Post 1

airscotia-back by popular demand

PLEASE talk to me again........i promise not to pinch your garlic bread ever again smiley - wah

*Checks room for more food* smiley - drool

Garlicky apology

Post 2

The stone eater aka SigSig (SI) - webmaster

Lol its ok smiley - cuddle Just seams mean stealing food from someone with an eating disorder smiley - laugh Kinda ironic!

smiley - chocsmiley - cake?

Garlicky apology

Post 3

airscotia-back by popular demand

Oooooh, thanks most kindly smiley - ok

smiley - laughsmiley - laugh Didn't see the irony in that til you mentioned it, i can be a bit dense sometimes.smiley - blush

What sort of disorder is it? (If you want to talk about it that is)smiley - erm

Garlicky apology

Post 4

The stone eater aka SigSig (SI) - webmaster

Erm started out as anorexia for almost a year but now im normal/overweight so kinda bulmic and completly out on control.

Its a love hate thing. I have a poem i wrote about it A10103536 .

Its weird how i can talk abotu anything on here and noone in rl knows, not even my councillor knows all of it, im too ashamed.

Garlicky apology

Post 5

airscotia-back by popular demand

smiley - wow Powerful poem SI.smiley - hug

Even i identify with some of those sentiments (Obviously not to the extent you do). This whole judging your self worth by your weight is becoming an epidemic, spread by the media. smiley - grr
I've no doubt that your own image of yourself is nothing like other peoples?

Hootoo is a funny place isn't it? You can pour your heart out on here and not even realise you're doing it.smiley - erm Friendly, sensible and supportive place i guess.smiley - magic

Garlicky apology

Post 6

The stone eater aka SigSig (SI) - webmaster

Yeah its great, all my friends on here have changed my life.

I dont think it was so much the media that started me off, at the tiem of the abuse it was the only thing of my body that i had left to control. He could force me to do all sorts but he couldnt make me eat. The media doesnt help though, men expect you to look like a model and i never will, ill always be discusting however light i get. Its my councillors theory that i want to punish men for what has happened to me, thats why i sometimes go out dress4ed in almost nothing and tease. I dont know though, maybe im just born a slut.

I cant stand being me, sometimes i just want to hide in bed and be safe and sometimes i just want out, hence keep cutting and overdosing. Yet with that is the overwhelming fear of what i know im doing to my body in the long term ( a bad side effect of being a medic). And the fact that this is all in my head and so i shoudl be able to control it, i shoudl be better than this. smiley - erm

I have some other poems on here, they really help me when im not coping with my emotions ( i just wrote all of this without feeling a thing)

What were your probs with your dad?

Garlicky apology

Post 7

airscotia-back by popular demand

Yeah, i think i know what you're saying, i can see how that confusion about yourself could happen.
I'd better point out now, i know nothing at all about mental health, and i wouldn't even attempt to give you advice. I've got a good set of listening organs though smiley - winkeye All i can do is be a mate for you like everybody else here, and assure you we all care for you and about you.smiley - hug

Boring old story with my father. Alcoholic,womaniser, never there for us when kids, no money, no support, no love. Didn't get any better with age, and ruined every relationship he was in, and has next to nothing to do with the grandchildren. smiley - sadface
I realise that it's his loss though.

Garlicky apology

Post 8

airscotia-back by popular demand

*Brings in fresh garlic bread and waits*

Garlicky apology

Post 9

The stone eater aka SigSig (SI) - webmaster

smiley - drool

Garlicky apology

Post 10

airscotia-back by popular demand

smiley - laugh

That was a short wait.

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