This is the Message Centre for Classic Krissy

Sunday Sunday

Post 41


Good morning bubster! Finished with the pint? 'Cause I can blame you again if you like smiley - smiley

Sunday Sunday

Post 42


Ooh! Kate's shout...

Sunday Sunday

Post 43


I thought it had finally become all my fault. I mean, it usually is.

Sunday Sunday

Post 44


*reads the jokes explanation, still doesn't get it, shakes his head and wonders if he can really live in a country for four months where he doesn't understand the jokes.. Thinks for a minute.. he possible can if he doesn't open his mouth, keeps his mouth shut but grins in a certain way, possibly but not definetly, stupidly* smiley - winkeye

Sunday Sunday

Post 45


See, I think you'll fit in just fine smiley - smiley

Sunday Sunday

Post 46


No you see this is cause I'm drink sweetie smiley - winkeye

Sunday Sunday

Post 47

what you know as km

Well if you manage to be so often enough over those four months then she's right, you'll fit in fine. Who decided it was Sunday then? Because it isn't!

Sunday Sunday

Post 48


*lurches in*

Someone blame me for something?

Sunday Sunday

Post 49


Yeah, get yer butt on AIM so I can blame you properly.

Sunday Sunday

Post 50


Yeah, get your crazy butt onto AIM.

Meanwhile - 's been Sunday for ever almost. Be Monday before you know it. Almost before *I* know it even.

Sunday Sunday

Post 51


Yes, it's most definately been Sunday for ages. It's been Sunday for so long, it's virtually Monday again.

Geesh, you people really need to catch up. smiley - winkeye

Sunday Sunday

Post 52

beetle, return of

Um, it's Sunday now.

*runs off*

Monday Monday

Post 53


Monday. Told you it would happen. 's almost like clock work.

Monday Monday

Post 54

Classic Krissy

Welll, I tell ye'. I don't take no truck with this'n whole "one day followin' t'other" business.

What'n if'n I want it t' be TUESDI and it's WEDNESDI? Where does that leave a body? NOPLACE! That's where!

*chawing on a piece' o' grass*

Monday Monday

Post 55


But why, alas, would you want it to be Tuesday instead of Wednesday? You see, wednesday is closer to thursday than tueday, and thursday is closer to friday, and friday is virtually the weekend! So are you's saying you don't like the weekend, Krissy? Traitor!

Monday Monday

Post 56


Weekends, I don't see what's so special about weekends, well not 'til January anyway smiley - smiley

Monday Monday

Post 57

Classic Krissy

HAH! I'm a rebel and I'll never ever be any good. I'm a rebel 'cause I never ever does what I should.

*commits the ultimate sin and wishes it was Monday!*

Heh. No, not really.

Monday Monday

Post 58

what you know as km

Hmm.... that's one of those songs that you don't know you know until somebody sings a bar or two and the tiny girl band in the back of your mind sings the rest for you.


Damn it.

Oh, and, er, weekends are special because you don't h... because you get t... bec... it's sort of l... you know h... they... just are.

Monday Monday

Post 59

Classic Krissy

*applauds that lucid and persuasive argument*


My boyfriend's back and yer gonna' be in trouble
Hey la hey la my boyfriend's back

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