This is the Message Centre for Khamsin

*husky voiced and purring* Ena gave me permission to call!

Post 81


I was giving you a compliment smiley - wahsmiley - run

*husky voiced and purring* Ena gave me permission to call!

Post 82


smiley - cry bt you called me a lady

*husky voiced and purring* Ena gave me permission to call!

Post 83


But I said you were beautiful

*husky voiced and purring* Ena gave me permission to call!

Post 84


smiley - yikes really? my memory is going...

*husky voiced and purring* Ena gave me permission to call!

Post 85


I did smiley - cry

*husky voiced and purring* Ena gave me permission to call!

Post 86


smiley - cuddle sorry Ena...

*husky voiced and purring* Ena gave me permission to call!

Post 87


smiley - cuddle That's ok

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