This is the Message Centre for A

Help is at hand...somewhat ;-)

Post 1

jaz'd(ace & yada yada *sigh* chocolate yada)

Greetings & welcome!! First of all, you should take the <./>dontpanictour</.> , alright. I'm just poppin' in as one of the ACE's here, or Assistant Community Editors. It's our responsibility to greet new registrants like yourself & offer them some directions they'll find useful for getting around the site & getting settled in here. I suppose for a more official welcome than mine (although not as personal), you can visit the 'Welcome page', just click on A53146 , or you can also go to the 'I am new, what do I do now?' page @ A868098 .

Now that we've got some preliminaries done, would you care for a smiley - cappuccino or smiley - tea & some smiley - cheesecake ...perhaps some smiley - choc ? You'll be able to use any of those icons, by consulting the long list @ A155909 , & you can refer back to it at any time by simply typing smileys into the search window. Also, you might want to look at 'spicing up your page' @ A690518 , or the 'picture gallery' @ A692741 .

Another of the ACE's, Feisor has compiled a list of links that should help you out @ A719840 . And I should mention h2g2's newspaper <./>thepost</.> which is out/'published' every Thursday. You can also find entries on a number of topics @ <./>namedentries</.> or for larger questions, there's <./>askh2g2</.> . Oh, it might not be an immediate problem, but if you come across a term such as 'PGGB' or whatever that confuses you, you'll find explanations/definitions in 'h2g2 jargon' @ A632431 .

Lastly, feel free to click on my underlined nickname at the top of this message, to visit my space & learn a bit more about me sometime...or just to let me know how you're doing, ok. Bye for now.

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