This is the Message Centre for World Service Memoryshare team


Post 1

TheOkapi - Sensitive Scout...So Do It PROPERLY!

So there I was, scrabbling through all the various bits 'n' bobs, looking at how to submit entries and so on, and I stumbled across your homepage. I was thinking that it would be fun to try my hand at some subbing when I noticed your Researcher's number:25! If you add up the seperate numbers in my reasearchers I.D., they actually add up to .........25!!!!!!!!!! Gotta be a good reason to say hello and an even better reason to take me on board as a subbie, don't you think?
Great! Speak soon!


Post 2

bigalthefirst( patron saint of patron saints)

I saw you were on line is that serendipitous or what ?

I worked in Silvertown for 5 years and Walthamstow for about 2 years-my wife is from the East End origanally and latterly lived in Dagenham.

I am after some advice please, can you check out my little spot on the guide and give me some pointers-it's awfully quiet, I have posted a story that is one of my favourite Christmas stories, let me know what you think.

FOnd regards, hugs and kisses.



Post 3

World Service Memoryshare team

A lovely friendly thread smiley - smiley

Spooky Okapi! I've added your name to my list of prospective subs, and when the next round of recruitment goes ahead, I'll let you know smiley - smiley

bigalthefirst hello! I'm actually originally from Wanstead - Walthamstow being the nearest place that we've got an entry on, I thought I'd give it a mention on my page. I read your story and circulated it around the office. I love that kind of traditional storytelling, especially tales with a moral message.


Post 4


Hi guys - just thought I drop in and say hi and give you some pointers to finding your way around this enormous place. It makes my head spin sometimes and I work here!! Some of my favourite guide entries are: The Kea - In defence of pyjamas - How to Cook a chicken - How to pick up a porcupine (a personal perspective!) - Newcomer's Welcome thread can be found - its a good place to meet new people and ask more established researchers questions. You can find other community sites here: Hope that helps! :-)


Post 5

bigalthefirst( patron saint of patron saints)

Abi, that's great, thank you. I'll trawl around and I'm sure i'll find it mindblowinglyfantastic.

Love Biggerthaneveralthefirst smiley - winkeye, smiley - smiley


Post 6

bigalthefirst( patron saint of patron saints)

Thanks Anna,

I know Wanstead too, I used to run around Wanstead Park until they put this great big road thing down one side of it. It also used to be on one of my favourite 13 mile runs that I did every Monday night when I lived in Ilford.

Oh to be young again.

See ya

Biggettingbiggerbytheminutealthefirst smiley - winkeye, smiley - smiley


Post 7


I spent half my childhood in Ilford - well in Seven Kings. Ahhh happy days! smiley - smiley


Post 8

bigalthefirst( patron saint of patron saints)


Great news did you ever go to the 3 rabbits ?

I lived in East Ham, Barking and Ilford at some time or other.

used to go to the spotted dog in barking on Saturdays, went back a few years ago and it had gone down hill. Still have relatives in the area.


Bigalthefirst smiley - winkeye, smiley - smiley


Post 9


No - probably cos I was about 7 at the time! smiley - winkeye


Post 10

TheOkapi - Sensitive Scout...So Do It PROPERLY!

Just goes to prove what a small, strange little world we live in, dunnit? I had an Aunt that lived in real significance here, just goes to show, in some small way, the interconectedness of stuff!
The Okapi ( happily remaining the same size! )


Post 11

bigalthefirst( patron saint of patron saints)

They say that with 5 connections you can connect with anyone in the world, why dont' we try.

I know a guy called Chris Rimington he lives in HUll.

over to you guys.

bigalsmiley - winkeye, smiley - smiley


Post 12

TheOkapi - Sensitive Scout...So Do It PROPERLY!

And friends of mine, Gordon and Carol, also live in Hull. He plays the Cello and we have a mutual friend, Pete, who lives in Leeds and plays in a band called 'Red Eye'. Over to you!


Post 13

bigalthefirst( patron saint of patron saints)

I have three aunts who live in Leeds, in Rothwell, Patricia, Winnie and Marie.

Also one of the guys I went to Newcy Uni with lived in Leeds his name was Andy Macdonald.

back to you, this is scary !!

Bigalthefirst smiley - winkeye,smiley - smiley


Post 14

TheOkapi - Sensitive Scout...So Do It PROPERLY!

Sorry for the delay in replying to this, BA, but it's been a 'orribly busy week......good enough reason!?
Anyway: Knew a guy who also hailed from Newcastle, met him when I was living in Israel in the early 80's, who had an aunt called Winnie.
I knew him as Woody ( Norman Wood ) but lost touch a while back....and in case the Istael 'connection' gets yer juices flowing, I was out there in 86-87 and 91-92...who knows, eh?


Post 15

bigalthefirst( patron saint of patron saints)


good to hear from you.

The only Woodie I know was a guy called Tim Woodley who used to live in Hertfordshire.


Post 16

TheOkapi - Sensitive Scout...So Do It PROPERLY!

BigAl, Hi!
Herefordshire? Getting a little closer to my home turf...which,as a point of interest is Devon......but I know several Folk singers etc, that live out that way and sometimes make it down to this neck of the woods......Tom and Barbra Brown,Barry and Gill - who revel in the performing name of 'Im 'n' 'Er ( I know, but they are good!), and they have several mates down in Cornwall too. Any bells ringing here?

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