Hi, this is me

Apprehensive and wondering what I'm doing here, but this is where I am and where I intend to stay.
I had a similar feeling one Sunday standing in a London park, 26 miles 385 yards later I knew why I'd been there, to be a part of life.
Writing is as big a challenge as the London Marathon, especially for someone starting as late in life as me at 58. Age does have one thing in its favour though and that's experience and persistence. Make that two things in its favour.
I started writing last year, having meant to start years ago but life kept getting in the way.
Last May I bought Stephen King's book 'On writing', read it twice that weekend, sat down and started to write a novel. It was stunningly inept, reading the original copy now makes my toes curl, but it's still going at 50,000 words and getting better with every rewrite.
The key is being willing to learn and there's so much more to learn than I could ever have guessed. But it's fun, and that's why I do it.
Time is the problem, I work full time in IT and by the time I sit down to write my days are already 12 hours old. One day I tell myself I'll get organised, maybe next year and then watch me go.

Male and married 35 years with 2 children and one (very recent) grandson. We live in West Yorkshire on the edge of the moors, enjoy outdoor activities, travel (particularly France), wine (which might explain the fondness for France), and humour.
The novel is a romance with a hard edge but I'm also mapping out a Fantasy novel and writing short stories. Only entered one competition so far, Ill let you know how it went in due course. It's all good practice, as is reading. I get through a book a week on average, fiction and non fiction, but apart from all of Joanna Harris's books, no romance. So will someone please tell me why I'm writing a romance ?
This all seems like a crazy game, anyone care to ride along with me for a while? It can be a lonesome business so company is always welcome.
Regards, Chris (topher).
P.S. 26/10/2003 Latest news is I got a 'Highly Commended' for my short story, first ever recognition (first ever story actually). It feels good.

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oz's workshop Nov 2, 2004 No Replies
Womens Fiction Group Sep 24, 2004 Sep 27, 2004


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