
  Conversation Title Latest Post Latest Reply
Edited Guide Writing Workshop: A87709143 - Rubber Bands, a Hitchhiker's 2nd Best Friend [17]No PostingNov 5, 2011
Edited Guide Writing Workshop: A87493495 - The First Decade of the Millenium. [4]No PostingOct 28, 2011
Edited Guide Writing Workshop: A87707857 - Interiorised or Covert Stammering – A Personal Account [39]No PostingOct 28, 2011
Edited Guide Writing Workshop: A12179216 - IP Network Addresses [11]No PostingOct 25, 2011
Edited Guide Writing Workshop: A12179216 - IP Network Addresses [11]No PostingOct 25, 2011
Edited Guide Writing Workshop: A12118637 - The Holy Grail [18]No PostingJul 25, 2011
Edited Guide Writing Workshop: A86303216 - Facts about Spiders [30]No PostingJul 23, 2011
Edited Guide Writing Workshop: A82866289 - The VIII Legion And The Lost Eagle [7]No PostingJul 9, 2011
Edited Guide Writing Workshop: A85422639 - Model United Nations [5]No PostingJun 8, 2011
Edited Guide Writing Workshop: A82755039 - The Theory of Care [1]No PostingMar 20, 2011
Edited Guide Writing Workshop: A81208767 - How To Build A Computer - By Andy Orchard, TechDeck-UK [2]No PostingFeb 14, 2011
Edited Guide Writing Workshop: A80510582 - Resistor Color Code [8]No PostingFeb 7, 2011
Edited Guide Writing Workshop: A34940234 - A confession [7]No PostingJan 27, 2011
Edited Guide Writing Workshop: A69448440 - The Roman Navy [15]No PostingJan 20, 2011
Edited Guide Writing Workshop: A78831020 - The Unknown Philosophers [4]No PostingJan 6, 2011

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John Doe

Researcher U248205

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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."

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