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60 word story challenge

Post 61


Chill lady!!! This is R and R.smiley - smooch

Ok am ready to post my scores. Suppose I better be the first.

I solemnley (?) declare that I have read all the stories. Hope I remembered to comment on each one. If I HAVE left any out please tell me. Don't just sit there feeling miffed.

I have based my scoring (and it was HARD guys) on how much each story grabbed my attention, if it made me laugh my socks off or shiver with it's twisted plot or gasp in amazement at the writer's audacity in use of theme.smiley - erm

So, ere are zee scores from zee Kent jury, in reverse order, sorry, this is how I copied them and it would take ages to do it all over again!
smiley - wah

Roy -A2951534 7/10
Gently Unhinged - A2950120 5/10
Enigmatic! - A2950003 – 6/10
Mel - A2949942 – 9/10
Gentlyunhinged A2932535 7/10
Mel A2932292 7/10
Haveago A2926929 5/10
Havago A2926550 6/10
Fidjit A2926109 6/10
Fidjit A2926037 8/10
Roy A2924930 5/10
Fidjit A2921096 6/10
Mel j A2920790 6/10
Haveago A2919585 7/10
Enigmatic1 A2918946 9/10
Bushkite A2916263 5/10
Rebecca A2916119 8/10
Rebecca A2915886 5/10
Haveago A2915354 7/10
Rebecca A2914292 6/10
Rebecca A2913842 7/10
Roy A2913716 8/10

Thank you all for responding in an enthusiastic and friendly spirit.

60 word story challenge

Post 62


Roy -A2951534
Gently Unhinged - A2950120
Enigmatic! - A2950003
Mel - A2949942
Gentlyunhinged A2932535
Mel A2932292
Haveago A2926929
Havago A2926550
Fidjit A2926109
Fidjit A2926037
Roy A2924930
Fidjit A2921096
Mel j A2920790
Haveago A2919585
Enigmatic1 A2918946
Bushkite A2916263
Rebecca A2916119
Rebecca A2915886
Haveago A2915354
Rebecca A2914292
Rebecca A2913842
Roy A2913716

Here is the list. If you copy and paste it you can add the scores.

60 word story challenge

Post 63


sorry, Roy -A2951534 it didn't show up as clickable.

60 word story challenge

Post 64


Doh, it still isn't , don't know why. If anyone wants to review it again they wil have to to go to Roy's portfolio.

60 word story challenge

Post 65


Roy - A2951534 (it doesn't like the hyphen next to the number!)

60 word story challenge

Post 66


smiley - rose

60 word story challenge

Post 67


So is that pretty much the final list then? Anyone else got stories to post?

60 word story challenge

Post 68

Mel J

Erm... yes, me!
I'll do it today, ok? Promise!

smiley - erm


60 word story challenge

Post 69


I have one I'm struggling with the ending to. It will be here soon or not at all.


60 word story challenge

Post 70


Don't forget to put yours in that list, spider.

60 word story challenge

Post 71


By the way, I will be giving zero to the stories that go over 60 words. I think that's fair as this is a 60 word challenge and all.

60 word story challenge

Post 72


Oooh! I never thought to check the others - are there some that aren't? Is the word count in word reliable? I ain't got that many fingers 'n' toes...

60 word story challenge

Post 73


I only spotted one with over 60 words. Mel's second effort.

60 word story challenge

Post 74


I'm sure I just did this...

If it's not too late A2952786

Ah, I previewed but didn't post.smiley - erm

60 word story challenge

Post 75


I hadn't counted other people's words. I assumed all were exactly sixty words. (Never assume)

60 word story challenge

Post 76


If I'm not to late


60 word story challenge

Post 77


Ok, a couple fo last minute stories.
I totally forgot to count the words to!smiley - sadface
Never mind. Not going to change them now. You can each do it however you want. I just did it as explained above.smiley - biggrin
I have not done any stories. smiley - ermJust thought I would run the challenge.

It will probably take a few days for everyone to get around to all the reading and scoring. No hassle. This is about having fun.
Alismiley - ok

60 word story challenge

Post 78


Well I've done my scoring. I'll release the results tomo, when I trust everyone else will smiley - biggrin

60 word story challenge

Post 79


The problem with this sort of scoring, is that there are too many judges to bribe! smiley - winkeye

60 word story challenge

Post 80


Or sleep with...

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