This is the Message Centre for spiderbaby

60 word story challenge

Post 41



High Drama

60 word story challenge

Post 42

GentlyU[Save GW!]

Hey, I might as well too. Something weird (to tick that uniqueness box?):

A2950120 Next stop

60 word story challenge

Post 43


I’ve done a rewrite on
Moon Dancing
High Drama
Haven’t had time to look at the others.

haveago smiley - silly

60 word story challenge

Post 44



I'm confused about the deadlines. (It's easily done...)

Is the 29th the deadline for re-writes, or for scoring?


60 word story challenge

Post 45


I think we’ve got until the 29th to finish are work and then all vote on the 29th. Is that right spidey smiley - spider.

haveago smiley - silly

60 word story challenge

Post 46


Yes, if all stories and re writes could be done by 29th , maybe a couple of days to make sure we have all read all stories then next week we can all post our scorings.

I have done most of them, they are in word waiting to be copied.
If any of you have done a re write like haveago could you re post the A number so we can check back.

I appreciate that some of you have limited time so maybe we can take all next week to get our scorings posted. The winner to be announced by next Friday? Should be enough tiem for everyone to get around to it. Are you all here over this week and next?

60 word story challenge

Post 47


I'm here this week and next.

60 word story challenge

Post 48



60 word story challenge

Post 49


I've made a couple of minor amends to mine, but nothing of significance. I'm around most evenings next week too.

60 word story challenge

Post 50


I'll be around. Trying to write one or maybe two more before I read all the others and get demoralised, but I'll do so in the next day or two.

60 word story challenge

Post 51



Moon Dancing

60 word story challenge

Post 52


Are there any guidelines around deciding scores, or is it just pick a number depending on how much you liked it? Should we be giving extra marks for play on words etc, even if maybe we didn't like the piece as much (I don't have an example in mind!) or just go with our feeling.
Sorry, I haven't done this before!

60 word story challenge

Post 53

Mel J

Hi everyone,

Sb, I think it would be fairer on the scoring if everyone actually wrote a flash for each title.
That way the average (of 4) will be more coherent and correct for final scoring mark/person.

Also, I'll be posting crits and last piece tomorrow or Sunday, as I'm just back from a long day at work.



60 word story challenge

Post 54


I thought we'd just judge each story in it's own right and the highest scoring story wins. If you get into averages you're forcing people to write stories and I didn't think that was the nature of this challenge.

60 word story challenge

Post 55


Yes, I see what you mean. I thought the marks were for the story rather than the person, I think thats how they should be.

60 word story challenge

Post 56


So long as people are confined to one entry per title then it's fair. The decision is then up to the writer if they want to write more than one title.

60 word story challenge

Post 57


That sounds fair to me. Each story then on its merits, even if its the only one that writer has managed to do.

60 word story challenge

Post 58


Sounds fair. Should be around all next week.
One more rewrite
A Taxing Time

60 word story challenge

Post 59


Original post.

smiley - biggrin
should have put a smiley there!

Wasn't my intention to be autocratic and pick my own favourite as the winner! Just me joshing. As you can see a scoring system was devised. The original intention though was for everyone to do as many as they felt they could manage. Scoring to be by story.

I have done it on a subjective basis. This challenge was intended to be fun smiley - biggrin but please feel free to use any method you wish to arrive at your scores.


60 word story challenge

Post 60

Mel J

Yes, quite right. I forgot it was open to us to write as many as we wanted to.

No probs with that, especially judging by the comments of others, most want to keep it a 'fun' challenge.

Ok with me!


Mel (taking things too serious again... sorry, I have a competitve nature smiley - laughsmiley - winkeye)

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