This is the Message Centre for WanderingAlbatross - Wing-tipping down the rollers of life's ocean.

Oil rigs

Post 1

Pedros_Ecosse - I always look this confused! :)

Hello there, I noticed in your personal space that you've been offshore? Anywhere interesting?smiley - biggrin

I've been on Marnock, Brae Alpha, East Brae, Ninian South, Ninian North (for one day!) and the Heather

not offshore just now but would love to get back out there

liked the description of the 60000 clinging to a rock, where abouts do you live?smiley - smiley

'scuse the noseynesssmiley - laugh

Oil rigs

Post 2

WanderingAlbatross - Wing-tipping down the rollers of life's ocean.

Hi there Pedros. I was a Chief Engineer on support vessels back in the 80's, North Sea, West Africa, Brazil and moved into project managing on-shore/offshore construction with AOS, Redpath and Kvaerner. My last offshore job was refurbishing a semi in Azerbaijan for the Caspian.

I've been project managing a desk now for more years than I care to remember but still have buddies who move rigs, drive boats and drill. Two of them are in Brazil at the momnet and one offshore Angola.

Oil rigs

Post 3

Pedros_Ecosse - I always look this confused! :)

smiley - biggrinsmiley - biggrindo any of them need a telecoms tech? I need to get out of this place!!smiley - winkeye

Oil rigs

Post 4

WanderingAlbatross - Wing-tipping down the rollers of life's ocean.

Best place to look is the Aberdeen local paper, the Press and Journal or these guys:

Oil rigs

Post 5

Pedros_Ecosse - I always look this confused! :)

thanks for that WA I'll have a wee look at that over lunch!smiley - ok

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