This is the Message Centre for WanderingAlbatross - Wing-tipping down the rollers of life's ocean.

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Post 1

novosibirsk - as normal as I can be........

Morning WA

I have not seen you around of late. I trust that you are OK?

Have you simply left the Forum or moved to slightly nicer pastures?

It seems that a number of 'old' friends have departed the Forum, perhaps in view of some of its recent quality that is not surprising.

smiley - blackcat

Departed the Forum?

Post 2

WanderingAlbatross - Wing-tipping down the rollers of life's ocean.

Hi Novo,

Thanks for your concern. No, I haven't departed just sort of fell out of the habit of logging on every morning.

I've been busy battling with the elements and keeping two young Springers fit until we can get into some serious training when the weather improves. I realised that most of my outdoor gear was either too small or worn out so I caught a bad case of ebay which also took up some of my on-line time.

How are you? Cat's happy and healthy I trust. Anyway I'm back so I dare say we'll bump into each other somewhere in hootoo land.

smiley - biggrinWA

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Post 3

novosibirsk - as normal as I can be........

Hi W A

Apologies for not replying earlier. Got a new eye lens which took a bit of getting used to, then was stuck with the recent virus prevalent here, which literally flattened me for nearly 3 weeks.

All A OK now though. Daughters cat has effectively 'moved' in on a come and go basis , so the sign off should perhaps be s below!

The two Springers are no doubt getting you fitter than previously? Trust all is well. See you around, though HooToo seems to be rather in decline smiley - sadface

smiley - blackcatsmiley - blackcat

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Post 4

WanderingAlbatross - Wing-tipping down the rollers of life's ocean.

Morning Novo,

Just posted to the brinkmanship discussion. Sounds like you've had a tough time recently. Hope all is improving.

My problems are all Springer related. I took my eye off the ball regarding the dog's hind dew claws, the bitch's were removed when she was attacked and had to have a small operation to check she wasn't badly injured.

The pups are now 7 months old and that's old for removing the claws but it's a job that had to be done. Unfortunately it's proving hard to get the wounds healed up and so I've had to dispatch the bitch to kennels and the poor wee dog has a lampshade and boots. No joke for a young fit gundog with loads of energy.

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Post 5

novosibirsk - as normal as I can be........


Just spotted your posting to the Brinkmanship thread. Yours encapsulated what my previous was on about. Either we can do the bloody job or we can't. If we can't because the ROE do not allow flexibilty, or if we can't because the skipper took his eye off the ball, or if we can't because we don't have the kit - we should say so, and clear out before it gets really embarrassing.

I am up and running at about 95%, trying to stimulate HooToo which seems to be 'fading', probably for reasons like your own, or perhaps it has just run it's course. Many of our old 'combatants' are seldom seen now, which is a pity.

Sorry to hear about the dog problems. It is hard to watch animals 'suffering' when you can't help much , and can't explain that it will all be better soon. I feel exactly that way if the cat is poorly - it isn't as if they were a child you can talk to, and sooth. Best of luck anyway, I hope the lampshade can be removed soon!


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Post 6

WanderingAlbatross - Wing-tipping down the rollers of life's ocean.

Morning Novo,

I've compared hootoo to a pub many times and like a pub the regulars come and go. Sometimes you fall out with people and rather than expend the effort to argue you find a different watering hole for a while. What we seem to be missing these days is an influx of students at the start of term. I think the blogshere is claiming them.


Departed the Forum?

Post 7

novosibirsk - as normal as I can be........

Sounds about right to me WA. The growth of blogs is bound to have some effect. I've tried the BBC Have Your Say one, but find it unsatisfactory, backward referencing too difficult.


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